Saturday 30 October 2010 photo 1/1
Saturday 30 October 2010 photo 1/1
Some love is like water
It is strong and unpredictable
In one second it can be calm and beautiful
In the next hell can break loose
Water can easily drain trough your fingers
And the love can as easily be lost
Some love is like the earth
It is lush och blooming
It is strong and steady
You know that you've found the one
You know where you have the other person
And are not scared to be pushed away
Some love is like the wind
It is light and playful
That love can be volatile
You need to be accepting to that love
It's easy to see the beauty in many diffrent people
You can not be a jealous person to love this love
Some love is like the fire
This love is wild and fiery
Many have diffrent but strong opinions
Verbal brawl is not uncommon
Your love can be strong even if you fight a lot