Tuesday 15 May 2007 photo 1/1
Brooke : "There are 82 letters in here and they're all addressed to you. I wrote them all this summer, one a day but I never sent them because I was afraid. I was afraid of getting my heart broken again, like before, because you hurt me so bad. And I was afraid to be vulnerable and I was afraid of you and the way that you make me feel. And I know that doesn't matter now after what I did but I just thought that you should know... this is how I spent my summer Luke, wanting you. I was just too scared to admit it." Lucas : "Brooke! What you did with Chris... it's okay." Brooke : "It's not. It can't be. Its too much to forgive." Lucas : "Well that's too bad because I forgive you." Brooke : "You can't.." Lucas : "I just did, so you're gonna just have to deal with it. I'm the guy for you Brooke Davis and I know I hurt you the last time we were together but I..." Brooke : (she stops him from talking) "I love you." Lucas : "I love you too... pretty girl." (they kiss) JAG ÄR FÖRÄLDSKAD I DENNA SERIEN !