22 July 2008
hade lite truligt efter att jag städat så medan jag lyssnade på älskade Winnerbäck <3 så passade jag på att ta kort på mitt öra *whadda!??!* xD
"Bosomy elder ladies in mink coats walking those little dogs you ache to kick (not out of cruelty, you understand, but from a simple, honest desire to see how far you can make them fly). " Bill Bryso
" It took 500 men just to pull each sarsen, plus 100 more to dash around positioning the rollers. Just think about it for a minute. Can you imagine trying to talk 600 people into helping you drag a 50
"The trick of successful walking, I always say, is knowing when to stop." Bill Bryson - Notes from a Small Island
"And I find chopsticks frankly distressing. Am I alone in thinking it odd that a people ingenious enough to invent paper, gunpowder, kites and any number of other useful objects, and who have a noble
"Here are instructions for being a pigeon: 1. Walk around aimlessly for a while, pecking at cigarette butts and other inappropriate items. 2. Take fright at someone walking along the platform and fly
" I felt seriously out of my element, and was surprised to find one of them - a grey-haired lady who appeared to have put on her lipstick durig an earth tremor -adressing me in a friendly manner" Bil
The British lady speaking to Bryson about America - knowledgable that Bryson is an American: "And the things they do to the language! They simply cannot speak the Queen's English. - Now wait a
"Why do they call it grapefruit? - I mean to say why do they call it a grapefruit? I don't know about you, but if someone presented me with an unfamiliar fruit that was yellow, the size of a cannonbal
"Why do the British call them jumpers? I've actually been wondering this for years, off and on, usually in lonely places like Thurso, and I would sincerely like to know. Do they make you want to jump?
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