Monday 12 May 2008 photo 1/6
Hey! So, TOK (Theory of Knowledge) and Ruth had arranged a visit to the Artmuseum here in Skövde so we had a guided tour (bad one unfortunately according to my opinion) of the present artist Martin Wahlström (orsummat)... we were to discuss heavy questions like: What defines good/bad art? What is art? Does it have to have a purpose/intention? blablabla :) haha, interesting when you've got your brain going.... but since we are IB students we are condemned to ALWAYS have our brains alert and rapid! hahaha but sooooon there's the MOCKS and then everything will just simply go so fast we won't even have time to THINK!!! yeeeeiii!!! =) Anyways......this day Liva went with us with her huge camera and so she took some pics of me! ^^
Comment the photo
Wed 14 May 2008 15:43
Wickström som hon så många ggr påpekade ;) heheh ofc.. who else but u litle one ^^ <3
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