Saturday 24 May 2008 photo 3/4
Okej, det är så att there's a holy rule! I almost never ever have come home WITHOUT new shoes....especially back from lidköping cause they have sooo many wonderful shoes..! :) However, these were the shoes I bought, don't care if they're out of fashion cause they are really cool and also make me taller which is my only goal, hahahahaha anyway :) Just love!!! :D And to admit: yes! I'm a shoe-maniac!
Comment the photo
Sun 8 Jun 2008 12:57
Wow, skorna är ju jättesnygga!!! X3 Om jag hade kunnat gå i dem skulle jag nog köpa sånna själv. XD
Mon 26 May 2008 19:01
Nice shoes! And I think that those shoes are kind of in fashion anyway. Maybe you will be taller than me?
Mon 26 May 2008 19:02
hihi, spääänx darling! :D Glad u like them and comfort me by telling me it's in fashion! <3 :D haha, perhaps, you never know ;) I feel bloody tall! haha <3
Sun 25 May 2008 22:30
hehe my cute lil shoe maniac <3 now u can be like ... tallerish <3 YAY =D love u <3 and these shoes are kickass =D screw fashion =p
Sun 25 May 2008 22:31
hihihi! thanx darling!!! ;) :P tallerish...wihoo!!! :D Finally I got that comment!! I love you even more my guardian angel!! :D <3333 yepp! Screw fashion or perhaps I'm bringing it back? ;)
Sun 25 May 2008 21:25
Fina skor^^..glänser så fint^^
Sun 25 May 2008 20:24
14 comments on this photo