Animal Locomotion: Physical Principles and Adaptations
by Malcolm S. Gordon
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Animal Locomotion: Physical Principles and Adaptations is a professional-level, state of the art review and reference summarizing the current understanding of macroscopic metazoan animal movement. The comparative biophysics, biomechanics and bioengineering of swimming, flying and terrestrial locomotion are placed in contemporary frameworks of biodiversity, evolutionary process, and modern research methods, including mathematical analysis. The intended primary audience is advanced-level students and researchers primarily interested in and trained in mathematics, physical sciences and engineering. Although not encyclopedic in its coverage, anyone interested in organismal biology, functional morphology, organ systems and ecological physiology, physiological ecology, molecular biology, molecular genetics and systems biology should find this book useful.
price: $113.95
bound: 285 pages
publisher: CRC Press; 1 edition (May 25, 2017)
lang: English
asin: B07176N1ZX
filesize: 16075 KB
Animal Locomotion: Physical Principles and Adaptations Malcolm S. Gordon
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