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Glew.h windows
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GLEW provides efficient run-time mechanisms for determining which OpenGL extensions are supported on the target platform. OpenGL core and extension functionality is exposed in a single header file. GLEW has been tested on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Irix, and. Features. Support for core OpenGL 3.0 and over 399 extensions; Tested on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Irix, and Solaris; Automatic code generation from OpenGL extension specifications; Thread-safe support for multiple rendering contexts; Utilities for extension support verification. Add the GLEW lib path to your compiler's library directory list. Instruct your compiler to use glew32.lib during linking. If you're using Visual C++ compilers then one way to do this is by adding the following line to your code: #pragma comment(lib, "glew32.lib"). Add a #include glew.h> line to your code. Ensure that this is. Install.glew-1.11.0binRelease{Win32|x64}のファイルを以下のパスにコピーする。. C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits8.1Includeumgl. glew.h; gglxew.h; wglew.h.glew-1.11.0libRelease{Win32|x64}のファイルを以下のパスにコピーする。 ("8.1"はWindows SDKのバージョン。). @file gl.h Portable header wrapper for glew.h. Unfortunately, GL includes vary across platforms so this header allows for. pure portable programs. */. #ifdef __APPLE__. # include "OpenGL/glew.h". #else. # ifdef _WIN32. # include windows.h> /* Broken Windows GL headers require this */. # endif. # include "GL/glew.h". 6 min - Uploaded by MakingGamesWithBenToday we install glew for windows! If you are on mac OS, look at the following guide: https. Copy the contents from FreeGLUT's lib folder into the Windows SDK's Lib folder. Copy the contents from FreeGLUT's includeGL folder into the Windows SDK's Includegl folder. Now, in the Explorer window currently pointed to FreeGLUT's location, navigate to the location where you extracted GLEW: step 3. There are two ways to set up FreeGLUT and GLEW in Visual Studio 2013: • From Visual Studio we set up paths to the lib/include folders where we extracted. FreeGLUT and GLEW;. • Copy those important files (.libs, .h) from FreeGLUT and GLEW in our project in a folder called Dependencies or Libraries or however you. GLEW (OpenGL Extension Wrangler). The OpenGL Extension Wrangler library provides access to all GL entrypoints. It supports Windows, MacOS X, Linux, and FreeBSD. As with most other loaders, you should not include gl.h, glext.h, or any other gl related header file before glew.h, otherwise you'll get an. OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW): "GLEW is a cross-platform open-source C/C++ extension loading library. GLEW.. GL01Hello.cpp: Test OpenGL C/C++ Setup */ #include windows.h> // For MS Windows #include h> // GLUT, includes glu.h and gl.h /* Handler for window-repaint event. Call back when. Create GL directory; Copy glut and glew headers (glew.h, glut.h, wglew.h) into GL folder. In the lib directory (default: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 10.0VClib):. Copy glew32.lib and glew32s.lib into directory; Copy glut32.lib into directory. Copy glew32.dll, glut32.dll into C:WINDOWSsystem. Alternatively you can. lib/glew/include/GL/glew.h(85): fatal error C1189: #error: gl.h included before glew.h. I have looked into this and many stack overflow answers.. Fonts->TexID = 0; g_FontTexture = 0; } } bool ImGui_ImplSdl_Init(SDL_Window* window) { ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Tab] = SDLK_TAB. The simpler but less flexible way is to include glew.h and glew.c into your project. On Windows, you also need to define the GLEW_STATIC preprocessor token when building a static library or executable, and the GLEW_BUILD preprocessor token when building a dll. You also need to replace. The first thing that has to be done is to download GLFW, GLEW and Visual C++ Express 2010 from the following URLs: GLFW: (File:, regardless whether using Windows 64 bits or not). GLEW: Note: All VC++ source code using OpenGL functions must start with #include windows.h> followed by #include . If you use GLEW functions, and suppose you need to include "stdlib.h", then include the header files in this order: #include then #include glew.h> then #include (no need to. Include GLEW. Always include it before gl.h and glfw3.h, since it's a bit magic. #include glew.h>. We decided to let GLFW handle the window and the keyboard, so let's include it too : // Include GLFW #include . We don't actually need this one right now, but this is a library for 3D mathematics. It will prove. GLEW on Windows The following files are needed for using GLEW: Header Files: glew.h glxew.h wglew.h. Libraries: glew32.lib glew32mx.lib glew32mxs.lib glew32s.lib DLLs: glew32.dll. Download GLEW from here. Note that you will find the header (.h) files in the include folder, library (.lib) files in the lib folder and DLL. Create a dependencies folder in my project directory (windows explorer) Add the latest builds for glew, glfw, and glm in folder in directories by name (like a path of dependenciesglewinclude) Then go into. However it says "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'GL/glew.h': No such file or directory". GLUT for Windows. GLUT comes in two flavours for Windows. There's an old and unmaintained version called GLUT and an open source alternative called. Download GLEW (32-bit and 64-bit versions are separated):; Find the headers, glew32.lib and glew32.dll files. Well, OpenGL is a bit more complicated because OpenGL is not initialized by default and we don't have a window where to display anything.. From Visual Studio we set up paths to the lib/include folders where we extracted FreeGLUT and GLEW; Copy those important files (.libs, .h) from FreeGLUT and. Makes it easy to access OpenGL extensions available on a particular system. • Avoids having to have specific entry points in Windows code. • Application needs only to include glew.h and run a. glewInit(). Fall 2013. GLee. • GL Easy Extension library. • May be more powerful than GLEW but harder to use. Fall 2013. GLM. Sample code: the sample Makefile and source code build a simple line drawing application and runs on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows platforms.. To find out how to specify command line options, add to header file search path, and link with libraries such as GLEW, Expat, JPEG, and PNG, see the course. To test the setup, let's code the most basic code HelloWorld! that you can write with OpenGL. // #include glew.h> #include /** * glVertex2f(float x, float y). * The point (0.0, 0.0) represents the middle of the window (not the top left corner). * The "2f" suffix means 2 values of. Getting started with OpenGL on Windows, OSX and Linux.. 1 #include h> 2 #include 3 #include 4 5 6 int main () { 7 // Initialize GLFW 8 if ( !... The glew.h> header must be included before the header, GLEW needs to be initialized after the window was created:. srcwin32OpenGL.cpp(36) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'GL/glew.h': No such file or directory. Download the binary package from GLEW: The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library and add it to your compiler paths and copy the DLL files to your system32 folder when using Windows. With the libraries, the main function for the addition of two vectors ̄A and ̄B as discussed in Section 3.1.3 needs only few lines of code: #include glew.h> // extension initializer GLEW #include // window manager GLUT #include "WinGL.h" // my GUI #include "AppVecAdd.h" // my GPU application int. You'll need it later. Copy glew32d.dll under "xxxxglew-2.0.0binDebugWin32" to "c:windowssystem32" (32 bit OS) or “c:windowssysWOW64" (64 bit OS). Copy glew.h and wglew.h from "xxxxglew-2.0.0includeGL" to Visual C++'s include directory (usually "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio. Put .dll files (for GLUT and GLEW) in C:windowssystem. ○ Put .h files in c:Visual Studio…include directory. ○ Put .lib files in c:Visual Studio….lib directory. ○ Note: If you have multiple versions of Visual Studio, use include directory of the highest Visual Studio version. ○ E.g. if you have Visual Studio 2008 + Visual. The window component is finished now and the renderer component comes next. What I need for the renderer is OpenGL and as I read here, an extension wrapper like GLEW. I am struggling with including and initializing GLEW. #define GLEW_STATIC #include glew.h>. glewExperimental. glew32.dll копируем туда же, куда ранее скопировали freeglut.dll , остальные 2 — в папку " MinGWlib " либо " MinGWglewlib ". Из папки include копируем содерижмое в " MinGWinclude " или " MinGWglewinclude ". На этом с glew все. Для его подключения нужно добавить #include glew.h>.
#include "mujoco.h" #include "glfw3.h" mjModel* m; mjrContext c; char error[300]; int main(int argc, const char** argv) { mjr_defaultContext(&c); GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(800, 800, "Invisible window", NULL, NULL); glfwMakeContextCurrent(window); m = mj_loadXML(argv[1], 0, error,. 1 down vote favorite. I have visual studio 2010 and i want to set up glew.h on it. i do this step but still i have linker error: glew pack 2.copy .h files to C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv7.0AInclude 3.copy .lib files to C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv7.0ALib GLEW does not include windows.h> to avoid name space pollution. * GL needs GLAPI and GLAPIENTRY, GLU needs APIENTRY, CALLBACK, and wchar_t. * defined properly. */. /* h> */. #ifndef APIENTRY. #define GLEW_APIENTRY_DEFINED. # if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__CYGWIN__). Detailed Description. Includes GL/glew.h and windows.h if _WIN32 is defined. Also defines the CARNA_GLEW_INIT macro. Author: Leonid Kostrykin. Date: 24.2.11 - 20.3.15. Definition in file glew.h. In this part we will learn how to use libraries in C++ using Visual Studio 2015. We will create a window and then call OpenGL to change the color of the window. We will then build on this in later tutorials to create the Cornell box scene. In this tutorial i use SDL 2, GLEW… I'm making an audio plugin that uses OpenGl 3.3 , so i had to include glew.h> . The thing with it is that you have to include it before any OpenGL headers. My problem is that JUCE's opengl module uses gl.h, so i had to include glew before that, but this way, it messed up a JUCE header,. The most logical alternative to GLUT is FreeGLUT, however installation on Windows machines requires manual compile steps... #define GLEW_STATIC #include glew.h> #undef GLFW_DLL #include #include #include using namespace std; int main() { if (! 使用OpenGL的朋友都知道,window目前只支持OpenGL1.1的涵数,但OpenGL现在都发展到2.0以上了,要使用这些OpenGL的高级特性,就必须下载最新的扩展,另外,不同的显卡公司,也会发布一些只有自家显卡才支持的扩展函数,你要想用这数涵数,不得不去寻找最新的glext.h,有了GLEW扩展库,你就再也不用. endif( MSVC71 ). FIND_PATH( GLEW_INCLUDE_DIR gl/glew.h gl/wglew.h. PATHS "c:/glew/include" "c:/libs/glew/include" ${COMPILER_PATH}/PlatformSDK/Include ). SET( GLEW_NAMES glew32 ). FIND_LIBRARY( GLEW_LIBRARY. NAMES ${GLEW_NAMES}. PATHS "c:/glew/lib" "c:/libs/glew/lib". pip install kivy Cython is missing, its required for compiling kivy ! >>> pip install Cython. >>> pip install kivy appdatalocaltemppip-build-1xfhi3_pkivykivygraphicsgl_redirect.h(8): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'GL/glew.h': No such file or directory. · 20 comments. OpenGL Programming with Windows MFC. This exercise requires Visual Studio 2012 Professional Edition. Before you begin this exercise, be sure you have installed freeGLUT and GLEW. 3. To access the new OpenGL functions to load and compile shaders on the Mac you have to include h>. 4. On windows, you have to use the OpenGL extension wrangler in order to get pointers to all the functions you are going to use. The wrangler can be found at: a." class="" onClick="javascript:'/externalLinkRedirect.php?');return false"> b. Instructions. include/GL/glew.h include/GL/glxew.h include/GL/wglew.h → C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/8.0/Include/um/gl/; ライブラリファイル [32bit版] lib/Release/Win32/glew32.lib lib/Release/Win32/glew32s.lib → C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/8.0/Lib/win8/um/x86/ [64bit版] lib/Release/x64/glew32.lib. The problem is that creating a window and an OpenGL context is not part of the OpenGL specification. That means. You start by specifying the properties of the game window, such as the title and the size and the properties of the OpenGL context, like the anti-aliasing level.... #define GLEW_STATIC #include glew.h>. ...kivykivygraphicsgl_redirect.h(8): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'GL/glew.h': No such file or directory. ==> as a solution I tried to download latest win version of glew ( and copied glew headers to PythonincludesGL. Copy files bin/glew32.dll to C:windowssystem32 lib/glew32.lib to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv6.0ALib lib/glew32s.lib to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv6.0ALib include/GL/glew.h to C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv6.0AIncludeGL include/GL/wglew.h to C:Program FilesMicrosoft. ... Files (x86)Microso"o Visua' Studio l0.0VCinciude ' For Visual Studio 20082 C: Program Files (x86)Microso"r Visua' Studio 9.0VCinclude If you are using 32-bit Windows, replace Program Files (x86) in the above paths with Program Files. Next, create a new directory named GL in the include directory. Copy the glew . h. My QT version is the latest, 5.3. and MS VS Express is 2013. When I tried to build CloudCompare, I met following errors. 6>------ Build started: Project: QCC_DB_LIB, Configuration: Debug x64 ------ 6> cc2DLabel.cpp 6>D:Qt5.3msvc2013_64includeQtANGLEGLES2/gl2.h(96): warning C4005:. I included the headers for both GLFW and GLEW, I set the linker to glew32s.lib and libglfw3.a. Here is the code from the tutorial: // Include standard headers #include #include // Include GLEW #include glew.h> // Include GLFW #include GLFWwindow* window; // Include. With a bit of care you can also use OpenGL to draw into normal FLTK windows.. It will include the file h> , define some extra drawing functions provided by FLTK, and include the windows.h> header file needed by WIN32 applications.... Mac OS 10.7 or above is required; GLEW is possible but not necessary.
122 123, // Include standard headers #include #include // Include GLEW #define GLEW_STATIC #include glew.h> // Include GLFW #include GLFWwindow* window; // Include GLM #include hpp> using namespace glm; #include int main( void ). ... #error glATI.h included before glew.h 00088 #endif 00089 00090 #define __gl_h_ 00091 #define __GL_H__ 00092 #define __glext_h_ 00093 #define __GLEXT_H_ 00094 #define __gl_ATI_h_ 00095 00096 #ifdef _WIN32 00097 00098 /* 00099 * GLEW does not include windows.h> to avoid name space pollution. One of the main purposes of this article was to create a Linux like environment to work with OpenGL in Windows, and to not depend on Visual Studio on. #include glew.h> #include #include #include > #include void reshape(int, int); void display(void); void. In this case we need to link against glew32 on windows and glew on *nix; The library binaries are in a place where the OS can find them. From LOpenGL.h. #ifndef LOPENGL_H #define LOPENGL_H #include glew.h> #include freeglut.h> #include #include #endif. Here we're. If you look in RendererModules/OpenGLGUIRenderer (where openglrenderer.cpp resides), you will notice there is a directory called GLEW. Looking at the actual file, you will see it is trying to include "GL/glew.h" (as also mentioned by the error) instead of "GLEW/GL/glew.h". So basically, you should either. Most likely you will be using C:WindowsSysWOW64. 2. Copy the three .h files glew.h, glxew.h, and wglew.h, from the includeGL subdirectory of GLEW to the includeGL subdirectory of MinGW, most likely. C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksMinGWincludeGL or. C:Program FilesCodeBlocksMinGWincludeGL. 3. I am trying to compile a program that uses OpenGL, but I'm getting a compile error: fatal error: GL/glew.h: No such file or directory. I check the. Windows. Tags: glew (Prev Q) (Next Q) I want to use the functions exposed under the OpenGL extensions. I'm on Windows, how do I do this? Tags: glew (Prev Q) (Next Q) User:. standard includes */ #include #include /* We use glew.h instead of gl.h to get all the GL prototypes declared */ #include glew.h> /* SOIL is used for loading (texture) images */ #include /* GLFW is used for creating and manipulating graphics windows */ #include #define. One of the most common uses of GLEW is to use vertex and fragment shader programs in an OpenGL program. These programs can be written using the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL). This was standardized in OpenGL 2.0. But, most of the versions of Windows support only OpenGL 1.0 or 1.1. On these operating. ... fragmentation #define MAX_SHADER_LENGTH 8192 // Bring in OpenGL // Windows #ifdef WIN32 #include windows.h> // Must have for Windows platform builds #ifndef GLEW_STATIC #define GLEW_STATIC #endif #include glew.h> // OpenGL Extension "autoloader" #include // Microsoft OpenGL headers. To start, we have a few necessary includes, SDL, glew which is a window creation helper library, and lastly, the standard string class is included: #pragma once #include #include glew.h> #include Next, we have an enum WindowFlags. We use this for setting some bitwise operations to change. GLEW是一个跨平台的C++扩展库,基于OpenGL图形接口。GLEW能自动识别你的平台所支持的全部OpenGL高级扩展涵数。也就是说,只要包含一个glew.h头文件,你就能使用gl,glu,glext,wgl,glx的全部函数。GLEW支持目前流行的各种操作系统(including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Irix, and Solaris). Pez is written in ANSI C and released under the MIT License. The only outside library that Pez depends on is GLEW, which is also so tiny that you can plop it down directly into your project. Usage of glew is especially nice on Windows platforms, since it lets you avoid including the huge windows.h header,. bin/glew32.dll → アプリケーションの実行フォルダ or %SystemRoot%/system32 lib/glew32.lib → プロジェクトのライブラリフォルダinclude/GL/glew.h と wglew.h. レンダリングコンテキスト(RC)はWindowsのウィンドウシステムとOpenGLをリンクするものであり, スレッドから発信したOpenGLコマンドはこのレンダリング. #define _WIN_OPENGL_HEADERS; #include windows.h>; #include glew.h>; #include ; #endif; #ifndef _MATH_HEADERS; #define _MATH_HEADERS; #include ; #endif; #ifndef _CUDA_HEADERS; #define _CUDA_HEADERS; #include ; #include "cuda_runtime.h" (a) Copy glut32.dll to C:WindowsSystem32. (b) Copy glut32.lib to C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual. Studio 10.0VClib. (c) Copy glut.h to C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Stu- dio 10.0VCincludeGL. Note that you may have to create the GL directory. • Install GLEW (if your graphics card supports at least OpenGL 1.5):. 789. AMD (ATI) の場合は GLEW を組み込む必要があると思いますが, 実機がないので割愛させてください. Windows で GLEW を使用するには, GLEW の Windows 用バイナリファイルに含まれる glew32.lib と glew32.dll, および glew.h と wglew.h (これは多分使わないと思う) をソースプログラムと同じフォルダに入れておいて. Windows Installation of GLUT, GLEW. ○ Install Visual Studio. ○ Download freeglut 32-bit (GLUT implementation). ○ ○ Download GLEW. Check graphics card. ○" class="" onClick="javascript:'/externalLinkRedirect.php?');return false"> ○ Unzip => .lib, .h, .dll files. Install GLUT, GLEW. ○ Install. ○ Put .dll files (for GLUT and GLEW) in. So, after some iterations and tests, the answer to this is by using the g:ycm_semantic_triggers option as described here: This has to be done via the regex mode. Here's the relevant config line from my .vimrc : let g:ycm_semantic_triggers. cd glew-1.7.0/ make. Ou você pode compilar a GLEW estaticamente e adicionar o glew32s.lib nas bibliotecas de ligação, na opções do linker: #define GLEW_STATIC #include glew.h>. Link: uma Biblioteca Extensão da OpenGL para Montagem - Instalação; Link: usuários do glew : lista de. Install a C++ compiler such as Visual C++ for Windows from, and Xcode from for a Mac.. glut.h, glew.h, wglew.h: go to the "include/gl" folder of either VC++ or SDK where the OpenGL header files (Search for the folder containing "gl.h" and "glu.h" are. 8687 Then the following lines were added into the pro file: win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/D:/OpenGL/glew-1.5.4/lib/ -lglew32. Thread: Qt creator Adding external library (still: Cannot open include file: 'GL/glew.h'). Platforms: Unix/X11 Windows Symbian S60; Wiki edits: 5. Added files. Terrain3D_gl/Modules/DynaFrustum/DynaFrustumModule.h Terrain3D_gl/Modules/DynaFrustum/DynaFrustumModule.cpp dynaFru_frave4-90in-stereo.eqc. Terrain3D_gl/equalizer/window.cpp Terrain3D_gl/Terrain3Dgl.cpp Terrain3D_gl/terrainLib/glew/GL/glew.c Terrain3D_gl/terrainLib/glew/GL/glew.h. #include "glew.h" /* Hack to take care of missing function prototypes in current glew.h */ #define glPointParameteri glPointParameteriNV #define. #include GL/glut.h> #endif /* Includes specific to M$-Windows version of mogl: */ #ifdef WINDOWS #include #include #include "wglew.h" #include. glut32.dll: 'C:WindowsSystem32'. Same pattern applies to freeglut and GLEW files with the header files in the GL folder, lib in the lib folder, and dll in the System32 (and SysWOW64) folder.. NOTE: If you will be also installing GLEW be sure to place, “#include glew.h>", before the include for GLUT. There are binaries available for Windows, butitis alsoarelatively simple matter tocompile GLEW from source(seethe instructionsonthewebsite: Place the header files glew.h and wglew.h from the GLEWdistribution into a properlocation for your compiler.IfyouareusingWindows,copy the glew32.lib. 104 #include . 105 #include . 106 #include . 108 #define CU_GL_PLATFORM CU_GL_OPENGL. 109 #elif defined (__WINDOWS__). 110 #define NOMINMAX. 111 #include windows.h>. 112 #include glew.h>. 113 #include . fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'GL/glew.h': No such file or directory... /IC:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10include10.0.16299.0um /IC:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10include10.0.16299.0winrt /Ic:AmazonLumberyard1.12.0.1devCodeSandboxSDKsQtmsvc2015_64include. glew.h, wglew.h, C:Program FilesMicrosoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2Includegl. glew32.lib, C:Program FilesMicrosoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2Lib. glew32.dll, C:WINDOWSsystem32. i want to get gpu information such as vendor name,model of the gpu, the clock speeds and other info. i have already found this code online and im getting this error which i have attached in images. im new to c++ and im very new to OpenGL so i do not understand the error codes. i did a search about the. ... 49 #define NOMINMAX #include windows. h#endif #ifdef APPLE #include GLUT/glut. h > #else #include glew. h > #include #endif #include #include " // texture and pixel objects GLuint pbo = 0; // OpenGL pixel buffer object GLuint tex. I am getting the list of following errors while linking static library on Windows using CMake: C:/.../lib/windows/libsoil2.a(SOIL2.o):SOIL2.c:(.text+0x10a0b): undefined reference to `wglGetProcAddress@4' C:/.../lib/windows/libsoil2.a(SOIL2.o):SOIL2.c:(.text+0x10ab0): undefined reference to `glGetIntegerv@8'. I am using C::B 10.0.5 on a Vista 64b O.S. I have tried using both the 64bit binaries and the source code to implement GLEW without success. A step by.. I put glew32.dll in C:windowssysWOW64. The other. includeGLfreeglut_std.h|614|undefined reference to `_imp____glutCreateWindowWithExit@8'| Error#2 : Cannot find glew.h. Glew is OpenGL C library which is a requirement for Kivy and coincidentally it does not comes packaged with Kivy. What you need is exactly given in this stackoverflow post? But i will still explain what to do sequentially. 1. Download source code for glew in zip format and unzip. I have my include files from Windows SDK in the following directory: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv7.0AInclude And i also have a gl folder in the Include folder there with GL.h and GLU.h. Those, in general, tend to have an OpenGL version outdated by decades, afaik. GLEW (or other. Hi all, First off, I'm sorry if this has been asked multiple times but I've browsed through many posts relentlessly and none offered a solution to my problem. I'm currently running Qt Creator 2.5.2 on Windows 8.1 using Qt 4.8.5 and I'm trying to link GLEW... Our demo application # framework relies on GLEW for initialization of any OpenGL extentions.. GL/glew.h "${OPENTISSUE_INCLUDE_DIR}/third_party/include/windows/" "C:/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/Cg/include/" "C:/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/SDK 9.5/inc/" "C:/Program Files/NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA. Now that everything is finally installed and linked up properly, here is a simple application that will open a window, allow you to close it by pressing escape, and will also test that GLEW is working (prints a 1 in the console): #define GLEW_STATIC #include glew.h> #include #include Ah ha, it's not “glu.h" that it can't find it's “glew.h" in the “pioneer-thirdparty" which it thinks should be checked out to : “c:usersadriandocumentsgithubpioneer-thirdpartywin32includegl“. So I'm assuming that your Pioneer directory is checked out to : “c:usersadriandocumentsgithubpioneer" or something like. ... src/demo/*.c src/fonts/*.ttf src/fonts/VERA-COPYRIGHT shaders/*.vert shaders/*.frag windows/glew.c windows/include/GL/glew.h windows/include/GL/wglew.h windows/include/GL/glxew.h Data-files: shaders/text.frag shaders/text.vert Cabal-version: >=1.8 Flag use_font_config -- problematic on windows Description: Build.