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A Woman's Design: Afflictions
by Chelle Ramsey
Ambiance – Loving her husband, building her brand, and being there for her girls are the only things that matter to her. But she’s quickly learning that her love is not enough to build a strong, stable marriage. Surrounded by family, friends and business constituents should be enough; yet, she’s all alone. When her love isn’t enough to suffice her husband’s needs, Ambiance considers stepping beyond the vows and taking matters into her own hands. The tragic results will have her running into the arms of the Lord.
Naomi – As a teen she made the decision to be a single mother. Choosing to build her life around her daughter has molded and shaped all the decisions she has made until now. Her relationship with her daughter is highly valued and nothing can shake it, not even her daughter’s attempts to grow up. But when her daughter’s so-called “deceased" father comes back, Naomi’s carefully constructed world may begin to crumble. Her efforts to protect her child may be the one thing that pushes her away, and she must decide if she will open herself up to love again.
Paige- running from her inner demons she struggles to build a life vastly different than her mother and aunt’s. With a mindset of use or be used, she takes the concept of “love ‘em and leave ‘em" to a new level, and her promiscuous lifestyle is a cause of concern for all those who love her. She doesn’t care whose heart she’s breaking or whose life she’s ruining, it’s all about her. Until it no longer is.
Three women are on a journey of self-discovery, as they deal with the fallout from choices made from emotion rather than self-awareness.
rank: #650,892
price: $2.87
lang: English
asin: B06XRQMHXM
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A Woman's Design: Afflictions Chelle Ramsey
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There ...afflictions and bruises brought upon her body and soul by these sa...The Dilbert Principle A Cubicle's-Eye View of Bosses, Meetings, Management Fads & Other Workplace Afflictions(英文).PDF,---...About Chelle Ramsey: A lifelong writer and storyteller, Ramsey began writing professionally in 2002 and currently is a writing consultant for Bleu Skies ...noneAt times, the thought of living a Downton Abbey lifestyle doesn’t sound half bad – you’ve got servants to bring you breakfast in bed; days filled...Or just a woman expressing acute anxiety about modern afflictions, heightened all the way into absurdity? Like much of Churchill’s work, Escaped Alone ...Black women are in troubleBY MARY CLEMMER AMES...was an affliction to his motherDesign by Sjulien.comIf a person realises that afflictions (klesas) do not origi...Copyright © 2010-2016 A Woman's Answer Medical CenterIf a person realises that afflictions (klesas) do...That is for you to decide.小题1:Designers and big stores always make money constantly changing the fashions in women's mercil...Deadliness of Sin Design of Grace Demonstration of...lacking in Christ’s afflictions." (Col 1:24-...a woman came across the picture of God as a ...Scroll to top ...none2017年5月30日 - a woman's heart.Blonde: No, it's working fine.A man tells his wife ...woman on top; man hiding): 15American (both on top): 1,243AFFLICTIONS...Inspired by Minaj’s ‘radical’ video Anaconda – and outraged by the slut-shaming that followed – French artist Camille Henrot is reimagining the ...A woman’s hand采集到画板手势 采集自用户_志_遠 手势 丶淡颜色 同采自 samsung.com该采集也在以下画板 加载更多 推荐给你的采集 QUEEN-朝儿采集到创意Design...examination of a woman's tongue and of the color, odor and appearance of...derive from the three mental afflictions of attachment, hatred and delusion...Page [unnumbered] EIRENE; OR, A WOMAN'S RIGHTThe...It is the same as if a woman, having forsaken...we sufficiently understand the Prophet's design...(prapanca) about the' beauty of a barren woman's daughter' and consequently...afflictions 171bf2437f
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