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The Patriot Dubbed Hindi Movie Free Download Torrent
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r0uas
It is 1776 in colonial South Carolina. Benjamin Martin, a French-Indian war hero who is haunted by his past, now wants nothing more than to live peacefully on his small plantation, and wants no part of a war with the most powerful nation in the world, Great Britain. Meanwhile, his two eldest sons, Gabriel and Thomas, can't wait to enlist in the newly formed "Continental Army." When South Carolina decides to join the rebellion against England, Gabriel immediately signs up to fight...without his father's permission. But when Colonel William Tavington, British dragoon, infamous for his brutal tactics, comes and burns the Martin Plantation to the ground, tragedy strikes. Benjamin quickly finds himself torn between protecting his family, and seeking revenge along with being a part of the birth of a new, young, and ambitious nation.
Peaceful farmer Benjamin Martin is driven to lead the Colonial Militia during the American Revolution when a sadistic British officer murders his son.
This film was a powerful, moving story of one family's experience with war and the fight for American independence. I first saw this film a few years ago. After the 9-11 terror attacks, I thought of this film often, as it is a classic tale of how sacrifices must be made so that future generations can have better lives. This movie made it all seem so real, the way that the founding fathers of the United States had to live, their fears and obstacles, and what they must have gone through to fight for their vision of what this country could be. While we obviously don't live in a perfect world yet, we don't have soldiers breaking down our doors and setting our homes on fire.
"The Patriot" makes you appreciate what others have gone through and the sacrifices made for us to have what we have today. It is very real and emotional, and though at times it is hard to watch, it makes you proud to be an American!
I've read tons of negative reviews about this film and I must say that the huge majority of them are completely ridiculous and groundless. This is a MOVIE. The makers of the movie NEVER made any claims as to it being historically correct. For those people who have criticized the scene where Gibson and his sons take out 20 men and complained that this was so impossible that it was comedic. Well, if British soldiers are dumb enough to stand side by side with their fellow comrades and make themselves such an easy target on the battlefield that only an idiot could miss them than I must say that they are just as likely to stand around in the open and let themselves be butchered by an invisible enemy as they are to letting themselves be butchered w/out defense on the open field. Secondly, I can understand how foreigners (not Americans) think the patriotism was over done. For Americas this was an excellent, patriotic film that made every one PROUD to be an American especially since it opened on the 4th of July. Then there is also the slave issue. The stereotypical idea of slaves is that every single slave, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, was a miserable beaten and unhappy wretch of a human being. Certainly, there were many who led unhappy lives but there were also those who either had their freedom granted to them by the owners or those who were not treated badly. The issue of slaves, as depicted in the movie is not impossible or inconceivable. All in all, if you disregard the ridiculous claims about historical inaccuracy, it is a wonderful and excellent film. I strongly recommend this film be watched, especially by Americans.
It's often corny, but it's never boring, and it'll sweep you up in its momentum if you give it a chance.
For three reasons: (1) The officers would be more experienced in defending the column that was escorting Gabriel to prison. They'd be better able than those lower in rank to fight off an attack by a single man and two boys. Additionally, officer training is more intense and involved than basic training, and they would be more knowledgeable in combat tactics. (2) With the officers dead, the other Redcoats in the column would find it harder to organize themselves into a single and effective fighting unit to repel the attack, as we plainly saw happen. So, without the officers yelling orders to the lower ranking soldiers, it was easier for Martin to mount his attack successfully. (3) Targeting officers specifically was not a standard military tactic at the time. It was not part of the gentlemanly code of warfare and would cause upset and confusion when the Rebels used this tactic. Yes and no. We're probably suspending some of our disbelief for the sake of the story—the scene is an excellent opportunity to introduce us to Martin as a great guerrilla warrior. Also, he had the advantage of his two sons already being excellent marksmen, having taught them that specific skill. With their elevated position on the nearby ridge, they had a huge advantage. Additionally, Martin had extensive knowledge of the area near his farm and the terrain therein. He chose the spot specifically for its cover by the natural flora (trees, shrubs, etc) and the ridge where he planted his sons to act as his snipers. This is a technique employed by marksmen, especially with less accurate weapons such as the muskets and other muzzle loaded weapons that were used during the American Revolution. What it means is the smaller the target you aim at, the smaller the chance of missing the larger target. For example, if the boys were to aim at an officer, they could miss him. But if they aim at a button on the officer's coat, they may miss the button, but they'd still hit the officer. As suspected by many people, the "new" Extended Cut features mostly scenes that were first used as deleted scenes for the old DVD release. Now these passages were re-integrated into the movie, adding up nearly 11 minutes to the movie. No. As with most films of the genre, it is fiction based on/inspired by true events. a5c7b9f00b
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