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USS Indianapolis: Men Of Courage Full Movie Free Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r2vf2
The harrowing true story of the crew of the USS Indianapolis, who were stranded in the Philippine Sea for five days after delivering the atomic weapons that would eventually end WWII. As they awaited rescue, they endured extreme thirst, hunger, and relentless shark attacks.
During World War II, an American navy ship is sunk by a Japanese submarine leaving 300 crewmen stranded in shark infested waters.
This film fails on so many levels it's actually embarrassing. In an attempt to honor US sailors who served on the USS Indianapolis during the second world war (at least I hope that was the intention) the filmmakers instead dishonor them by making a movie that feels cheap and at times even silly. With a culmination of bad effects, bad acting, bad camerawork, and bad storytelling, it made me feel sorry for the actual people this story was based on for the fact that their story has to be told through this awful piece of cinema.
With a budget of $40 Million, its shocking how abysmal the CGI is. All the action in the film is computer generated and hideous, looking more like a commercial for War Thunder ( a video game about military ships, planes, and tanks) than a scene from a multi-million dollar movie. Making you realize that if they couldn't afford to film any actual ships or planes (or at least hire a better effects studio) THEN THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE MADE THE FILM IN THE FIRST PLACE! Aside from the ship, animated fire, and decent to cheap looking props ruin any immersion the film attempted.
The acting also tarnishes much of the movie's believability as much of it is either mediocre or feels lazy. This is especially true when referring to Nicolas Cage who feels like he's asleep half the time, and considering he shares a majority of the screen time it makes the entire experience painful to watch. You'd believe that a film based on a true story would feature a lead who cared more about his part, but it feels that Cage is just doing the minimum to receive his paycheck and not actually into his character WHO IS BASED ON A REAL HUMAN BEING! The other actors in the film are either good to passable but considering Cage appears to be a selling point for the film and in most of it, he undermines any good performances.
The cinematography is another witness to the film's cheapness. With awful closeups and shots that films students could do better (since at least THEY know how to put the camera in focus), the movie feels like it only as 1/40th of its own budget.
Granted 40 million is not as much a many other films have, if it had been used competently, then the movie might have been much better.
And out of all the negatives, one of the most shameful, horrid, and down right worst parts of the movie is its writing. Every single bit of dialogue is terrible and incredibly difficult to listen to. Anything trying to be sentimental comes off as cliche and stupid, to the point where it feels that the writer spent a week watching classic war films and wrote the script based on everything he could remember by heart.
It truly feels terrible to think that the real serviceman this film claims to be portraying have not been done justice by this film. Even though their story almost certainly deserves it. If you wish to actually watch something good about the USS Indianapolis and her men, I suggest watching "USS Indianapolis: The Legacy" a documentary that actually does right by this story.
(Even "Mission of the Shark: The Saga of the USS Indianapolis" is better.)
A truly poor movie, with fictional "back story" added in, for no discernible reason that I can see. Using a battleship to represent a cruiser is a ludicrous idea(the USS Alabama was nearly three times the size of the Indianapolis,) and the resultant footage is awful..... the actual story has been trivialised and misrepresented, and Mr Cage hasn't done his acting credibility any good at all. The whole story has already been done to better effect and on a fraction of the budget of this shambolic effort in the made-for-TV movie "Mission of the Shark" .If you want to learn all about the events of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis, either watch that movie, or watch the five minute sequence in the movie "Jaws" where Robert Shaw tells the whole story, simply, and brilliantly. This latest film really isn't worth the time it takes to watch it.....
"USS Indianapolis" is a World War II “epic" that’s overscaled yet underimagined. It’s a tale of survival that never provides the audience with a basic entry point into how and why we should care.
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