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California state parks policy manual: >> << (Download)
California state parks policy manual: >> << (Read Online)
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Department Operations Manual - Interpretation and Education Chapter (new) In March 2010, Interpretation and Education, (Chapter 9) of the Department Operations Manual was officially approved. This compendium of policies and guidelines provides direction for interpretion and related activities in California State Parks.
Policy Manual for Volunteer Programs at State Agencies. Page 9. Example: California Department of Parks and Recreation. “Volunteers are integral to the overall operation of our state parks. Enabling citizens to be involved actively with programs increases public support for state parks and helps individuals better
Mott Award (pdf) Olmsted Award (pdf) Year-Round Flyer (pdf). Documents. 2013-2014 California State Parks Strategic Action Plan General Plans Grants and Local Policies. Information Technology (IT) - Statewide Policy, Instructions & Guidelines · Donor & Sponsorship Recognition Guidelines · Strategic Initiatives.
department and other state policy regulations." The Department does not consider volunteers as employees. The relationship between a volunteer and the. Department must be one of mutual benefit. A thorough discussion of laws, policies, practices and procedures is contained in the Volunteers in Parks Program
The Accessibility Guidelines are intended as a reference manual and department policy on accessible design and shall be utilized in planning and implementing regular maintenance activities, construction projects, and in the development of presentations, publications, exhibits, new programs, and special events. The.
From A (Accessibility) to V (Volunteers), this is your one-stop location for policies and guidance related to many Department programs related to interpretation. Included on this page is information about and links to the following: Interpretation and Education Chapter, California State Parks Department Operations Manual
Introduction gives a legal, historical and operational overview of the Volunteers in Parks. Program and the Camp and Park Host Program. Program Policies and Procedures explain departmental policies, guidelines and legal requirements for managing Host Programs within California State Parks. Appendices provide
Creations of the Mind: California State Parks Intellectual Property Handbook. This Intellectual Property Handbook provides background information, policy direction, and general advice and guidance to State Parks staff and partners on intellectual property and the legal issues surrounding its use and licensing.
Appendix B California State Parks Policy for Respiratory Protection. The Department policy for the use of respirators and respiratory protection of employees is to be used in conjunction with the Respiratory Protection Handbook. The policy establishes proper and uniform guidelines in accordance with the California Code of
USiNG ThE VOLUNTEErS iN PArKS PrOGrAM GUiDELiNES. This handbook is designed to assist California State Parks staff in managing volunteer programs. Specifically, Superintendents and Volunteer Coordinators should refer to the policies and procedures for guidance in developing and implementing volunteer.