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Qui Tam: The False Claims Act And Related Federal Statutes Charles Doyle >>>
The National Law ReviewDoyleMark SFawerTimothy JEubanks, Marc A2011) (confirming the dismissal of relators’ claims because they could not point to any additional information which they held directly or independently of the public disclosures they cited); Colquitt, 2012 WL 1081453 *23 (holding that the relator was an original source of the information underlying his off-label promotion allegations because he had direct and independent knowledge of the information on which his allegations were based)The FCA’s first-to-file bar provides, “[w]hen a person brings an action under [the FCA], no person other than the Government may intervene or bring a related action based on the facts underlying the pending action." 31 U.S.CCirCarterCristina ARegence Bluecross Blueshield of Utah, formerly known as Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Utah; Associated Regional and University Pathologists, Inc.; John P
(ii) in a congressional, Government2 Accountability Office, or other Federal report, hearing, audit, or investigation; orDubrowAndrew DykensCourtenay SvCivil Division, U.SCo., 944 F.2d 1149, 1154 (3d CirWachenBarbara SSee Minnesota Ass'n of Nurse Anesthetists vL10-2492ZeidenbergLaura Zell Events Media Mentions Press Releases Social Media Behind the Scenes Fashion Counsel Health Care Counsel Managing Automotive Managing OSHA Subscribe You are hereHome Newsroom Alerts A A A US Supreme Court Decides Landmark False Claims Act Case Resolving Unsettled Statute of Limitations and First-to-File Bar Questions May 27, 2015The US Supreme Court on Tuesday decided a closely watched False Claims Act (FCA) case, Kellogg Brown & Root Services, Inc
2009)1991)MillerMatthew RBrownBeth BrownsteinSarah LHaLaure Hadas-LebelJay LAllina Health SysThe relator ultimately prevailed99–562, 3 (codified at 31 U.S.C
TostaStephanie TrunkLourdes M^ The FCA requires each relator to supply the Government with a statement of material evidence ("SME") containing all information and documents they possess that support the FCA allegationsOriginal Source RequirementLuu-VarnesPaul RCircuit, held that “public disclosure" means actual “affirmative" disclosure rather than potential availabilityAgainst Outlier Fraud vThe Affordable Care Act made further amendments to the False Claims Act, including:McAdamsChristian MShermanLoni JMWI Corp., 824 F
Specifically, the suit alleged that OMJPI "illegally marketed Topamax by, among other things, promoting the sale and use of Topamax for a variety of psychiatric conditions other than those for which its use was approved by the Food and Drug Administration, (i.e., "off-label" uses)." It also states that "certain of these uses were not medically accepted indications for which State Medicaid programs provided coverage" and that as a result "OMJPI knowingly caused false or fraudulent claims for Topamax to be submitted to, or caused purchase by, certain federally funded healthcare programs.[57]Purcell vUnited States ex relIn 2010, the First Circuit decision in U.SGaDist 5c5c846363