Tuesday 18 September 2018 photo 4/7
The Colony Malayalam Movie Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qzarg
Groups of people - colonies - are forced underground due to another ice age. Colony 7 goes to check on Colony 5, which they lost contact with. When they get there they find that the colony has fallen and there is a whole new enemy that they have to face on their way back.
Forced underground by the next ice age, a struggling outpost of survivors must fight to preserve humanity against a threat even more savage than nature.
Is it just me, or did this remind anyone else of the much superior 30 Days of Night? Now don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this movie. It kept me entertained throughout for the most part.
It seemed to take elements from a few of other films, whether it was any virus movie, The Thing, or the aforementioned 30 Days of Night. While it was better than most virus movies, it lacked the awesomeness of the latter two films.
L-Fish is always great, but this is nothing more than an above average one night stand. Good for one viewing. Hit it and quit it. I give it a pretty solid 7 out of 10 (mostly because of L-Fish and the badass lead cannibal dude).
Or it could also be called 'The Day After Tomorrow 28 Months Later' I really like post apocalyptic films. When I saw the DVD cover of 'The Colony' I was psyched.
Laurence Fishburne and Bill Paxton? This is going to be good! Like 'The Matrix' meets 'The Titanic' good! Bring on the mini-ice age baby! Bring on the "we shall overcome our suffering!" I didn't even bother to read the synopsis because I couldn't bare the thought of spoiling one little thing.
Unfortunately, it was not to be.
It's so bad, I saw a You Tube documentary the other day on the ruins of Detroit that was scarier, more suspenseful and had better zombies. Mind you the Detroit style zombie is a crack zombie, but still better than the "feral humans" in this thing.
It's so bad that when they exhale in the minus 30 degree weather you can't see their breath.
It's so bad, the CGI makes ScyFy look like Lucas Films.
It's so bad it makes 'Dora the Explorer' look like non-fiction.
It's so bad, Laurence Fishburne's character decides to off himself two thirds of the way through the movie. I understand why, I couldn't take it anymore either.
Last but not least, I can see why I haven't seen much of Bill Paxton in the movies lately, he's been busy eating Carl's Jr. and Jack in the Box, like all day every day for the past three years. His head could barely fit in the screen.
I only finished the movie because of the fast forward button. It was way worse than the beginning if that's possible.
Greedily tries to cram every dystopian curse into one misbegotten plot, resulting in something wildly disjointed, even if its pieces arguably connect.
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