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References[edit]2010MSWTablesandFigures508.pdfIt can withstand temperatures of 80C continuously and 95C for a short time^ "Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Recycling, and Disposal in the United States" (PDF)Its most common use is in plastic bagsA GEECO bowl, c.1950, still used in 2014
Also, because its molecules are less tightly packed and less crystalline due to the side branches, its density is lowerEPA.govIDES The Plastics Web Exxon Mobil Corporation ^ DOW LDPE 5004ILinear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) High-density polyethylene (HDPE) Medium-density polyethylene (MDPE) Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) Polyethylene terephthalate (PET/PETE) Stretch wrap Made in translucent or opaque variations, it is quite flexible and toughOther products made from it include:
It was the first grade of polyethylene, produced in 1933 by Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) using a high pressure process via free radical polymerization.[1] Its manufacture employs the same method It is not reactive at room temperatures, except by strong oxidizing agents, and some solvents cause swellingChemical resistance[edit]LDPE has more branching (on about 2% of the carbon atoms) than HDPE, so its intermolecular forces (instantaneous-dipole induced-dipole attraction) are weaker, its tensile strength is lower, and its resilience is higher
The EPA estimates 5.7% of LDPE (recycling number 4) is recycled.[2] Despite competition from more modern polymers, LDPE continues to be an important plastic gradeSee also[edit]LDPE is widely used for manufacturing various containers, dispensing bottles, wash bottles, tubing, plastic bags for computer components, and various molded laboratory equipmentA piece of packaging foam made from LDPE ^ "Market Study: Polyethylene LDPE (2nd edition)"pp.1Contents 1 Properties 1.1 Chemical resistance 2 Applications 3 See also 4 References 5 External links ^ LDPE products and applications^ Dennis Malpass (2010)LDPE branching structure c16eaae032