Sunday 14 June 2009 photo 1/1
I had to be strong enough
She had to believe
This wasn't the way it was supposed to be
It went against destiny
But I did it for her
Every moment i spent with her put her in more danger
I couldn't find the right words
I couldn't speak the words I knew I must
I had to hurt her .. to save her
That was my only choice
She will forget the time
I will not
I will always love her
She had to believe
This wasn't the way it was supposed to be
It went against destiny
But I did it for her
Every moment i spent with her put her in more danger
I couldn't find the right words
I couldn't speak the words I knew I must
I had to hurt her .. to save her
That was my only choice
She will forget the time
I will not
I will always love her
Comment the photo
Tue 21 Jul 2009 19:34
raaaawr på bilden :D <3
Thu 18 Jun 2009 14:34
WTF! vem e den andra? orättvist att hon får alla snyggingar =O kan hon inte dela me sig lite :O =(
Thu 18 Jun 2009 14:35
haha, det tycker jag också! hon kan ju börja med att ge edward till mig! det är jacob black du vet, han klipper av sig håret ;D<3
Wed 17 Jun 2009 12:54
Maaaaaaw :'( Ingen mascara, säger jag bara! Vi får ta med oss div1-pokalerna så att vi har nåt att gråta i xD
Wed 17 Jun 2009 12:55
vet du attt premiären är samtidigt som lag-sm!!!!!!!!!!!!! den är på midnatt men fan heller att jag missar den... :S <3
Sun 14 Jun 2009 20:10
Sun 14 Jun 2009 19:34
15 comments on this photo