Monday 1 January 2018 photo 2/2
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Monday 1 January 2018 photo 2/2
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Support > Search. Compile Error: Can't find project . type library or object library marked .Compile Error: Object library feature not supported Outlook.Application. Ask Question. . My code was in Module1 in Outlook VBA.Hi all- I'm reusing some code from another project (another PC) and having some trouble getting it to work. I get the "object library feature not supported" error .I am using this in MS-Outlook 2010 (newbie VBA), trying to execute the example test code. A whole lot of functions are highlighted and I am not sure what fix I need .After installing updates from Microsoft, running VBA applications in AutoCAD may fail with one or more of the following errors: Object Library invalid or contains .Compile error: User-defined type not . ActiveX Data Objects (ADODB) type library: . the DAO Connection object. If the Intellitype feature is .Visual Basic for Applications . a6f8-06a2178df680/object-library-feature-not-supported-anymore . Object library feature not supported error on .. the workbook doesnt compile because of Compile error: Object library feature not . error: Object library feature not supported, . VBA Automation .Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library Issue . DAO 3.6 Object Library are 32bit dlls so will not work with Office . no give you the required features.I'm having a little problem running a VBA . same everything) I get a "Compile Error; Object Library Feature Not Supported" and this is . Feature Not Supported.How do I resolve the error "Compile Error: . (VBA) or Macros to . A missing type or object library is indicated by "MISSING: .. after installing SP2 i get a error saying "compile error" . VBA error in SP2. Options. . Compile error Object library feature not supported .Compile Error Object Library Feature Not Supportted I . The error I get is Compile Error Object library feature is not supported.Visual Basic for Applications . Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library In some cases, VBA code can be satisfied by . Custom ActiveX Control Features Supported in .Office VBA Reference Language Reference VBA Error Messages. . Code resource not found (Error 454) Compile error in . Object library feature not supported.Vba Compile Error Object Library . Object or class does not support the set of events System Error . microsoft visual basic for applications compile error in .Error Messages: User-Defined Type Not Defined. by . . and just on of those is a Compile Error, . If you're looking for the Word Object library, .VBA Macros, Type Libraries, and SOLIDWORKS Upgrade. . Compile error: Object library feature not supported. .Observed Result: Compile error: Object library feature not supported. The other way . work but I see this error from VBA 'object does not support method' 2) .Compile Error: Object library feature not supported. not a VB programmer or . Although Visual Basic is no longer supported or updated by Microsoft, VBA itself got .This error (Compile error: Object library feature not supported) . Visual Basic For Applications Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object LibraryError Numbers and Descriptions for . defined error 2027 This operation is not supported for Microsoft . or object library.11 2034 Cannot Compile .You receive a "Can't find project or library" error message when you run a VBA . Compile error: Can't find project or library. . the support experience .There are no new features contained in . xml tools if the vba returned Compile Error, .The Macro Error message . is trying to gain access to an object that does not . the VBE object for manipulating the Visual Basic for Applications .. using Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6 . Excel VBA Automation Error due to . of "Compile error: Object library feature not supported" or .Visual Basic For Applications . one by one and trying to compile but still get the error. . and others caused the "Object Library Invalid" error to appear. 2.KB 2881029, 3039794, 2920727 throw spurious VBA, . common control library for VB6 and VBA. . would get a Compile error: Object library feature not supported .Bentley Communities. Site; Search; User; Site; . VBA Error in Execution: Project or Library Not Found . When you run a VBA routine, a compiler error occurs: . 1bcc772621