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How To Hide Likes On Facebook From Public ->->->-> http://shurll.com/bzgq0
They're located in the top right corner of your session. Follow these steps:Log onto Facebook.Click Timeline on your personal page.Click More.Click Likes.Click Manage (the pencil icon on the right).Select Edit the Privacy of Your Likes from the menu.Click the triangle next to the head and shoulders icon for the category you wish to make private. Your changes will save automatically. By clicking or navigating the site, you agree to allow our collection of information on and off Facebook through cookies. Get in touch with me! Say hello at paulinetwelveskip.com or send me an iMessage at twelveskipicloud.com (yup, an Apple fan here!). It's located to the right of each post. Page Not Found. send an email subscribe to our tip newsletter subscribe now Get tips and how-tos from heres the thing delivered straight to your inbox Subscribe about ben Follow benpatt Welcome to heres the thing, your source for tips, deals, advice, and how-tos about the gadgets you use each day. It's located at the top of your screen. .. Your friends may begin to wonder if you might be turning into a raging alcoholic based on your new likes. I share ideas & offer services related to blogging, visual marketing, content optimization & of course, social media marketing. about contact submit a tip subscribe via email ask ben reader mail site map 2011 - 2018 here's the thing privacy policy terms & conditions . 2 Tap the three horizontal bars. This cannot be done on the mobile app or site. .. They're located in the bottom right corner of your session. If you take a look at your profile, you will see 16 different categories: Movies, Television, Music, Books, Sports Teams, Athletes, Inspirational People, Restaurants, Games, Activities, Interests, Sports, Food, Clothing, Websites, and Other. If you're not automatically logged in, sign in with your email and password. You can control who sees what you like at the category level, but you can't hide individual things that you like. Sorry, but the page you're looking for has not been found. It is a good idea to periodically check your privacy options about once a month or so to see if Facebook has changed anything. Get great tech advice delivered to your inbox.Keep your family productive, connected, entertained, and safe.Please enter a valid email. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. It's located under your Facebook profile picture. Method 2 Deleting Likes on Android App 1 Open the Facebook app. However, you can remove likes from your activity log, and you're able to hide any likes you make to public profiles and interest pages. Try again later.Thanks for signing up! 2018 Leaf Group Ltd. Now you are helping others, just by visiting wikiHow. There's always a chance that you may have been "opted in" to something that you would rather be opted outof. Please try again. 3 Tap your profile name. 5 Tap Filter 5a02188284
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