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Download Hindi Movie X-Men: Apocalypse
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r29ur
After the re-emergence of the world's first mutant, the world-destroyer Apocalypse, the X-Men must unite to defeat his extinction level plan.
When the first mutant En Sabah Nur, who was worshiped as a god In Egypt, awakes in the present days, he learns how the world has been transformed in his absence. He decides to bring the Apocalypse to the world and recruits four powerful mutants to assist him in the destruction of the weak. Now the only chance to save the world depends on Professor Charles Xavier and a team of young mutants.
I had so much hope for this movie since I have been a big fan of X men for years but I left the cinema wondering what the hell did I just saw.
Pros: The first hour or so was amazing, Michael Fassbender was great, his acting was one of the best part of the movie. James McAvoy was decent while Jennifer Lawrence was one leg out of the door in my opinion but I blame this more on the script than her acting ability. Even Fassbender and McAvoy can't carry this movie on their own.
Quick Silver and Wolverine actions sequence were great. I like it a lot.
The young casts with the exception of Sophie Turner were good enough.
Cons: The movie'script was so messy and pretty none sense. They should spend their time writing a decent script not pulling something out of their asses. I think it is time to loose Bryan Singer, we need fresh air for this franchise include new characters not the usual and getting boring characters.
They have the strongest villain - Apocalypse and have one of the best actor in the business to play him but look at what we get! The only thing he did was broke the guy legs then he died! No major impact what so ever. The way he died was so anti climatic, I don't know why they name this movie after his name at all.
Sophie Turner as Jean Grey was horrible, lack of facial expressions, mono tone voice, weird accent, squared face. Every lines that she delivered were so painful to watch, it was like she can't decide what accent she going to use in a sentence. She was not Jean Grey in my eyes. With mcAvoy, Fassbender and Lawrence will not anticipate in the next movie which could be Dark Phoenix, I will not go waste my time and money on Sophie Turner's performance. They should recast if they want to make a new movie all about Jean Grey.
If they don't have any good ideas for the franchise, I think they should let it rest for a few years till they can get it together again. Don't just make a new movie every year without any real contents, actions sequence are fun to watch but I don't want to seat through an empty and hollow movie like this again.
Before i watched this movie,i wasn't really pumped up for it neither was i expecting a lot from it and after i watched it the result was okay.
What i can say is that X:Men Apocalypse is like the Age of Ultron or Transformers of the X:Men universe and that appealed to me because they tried to do something different with the franchise,its almost more like a blockbuster movie than a drama-like comic book movie that they did with X-Men:First Class and Days of Future Past and i liked that they took a different route.
This movie was long though and that's fine as long as it is captivating,but some scenes where just dragging on and on like the multiple times Apocalypse was recruiting his "Housemen" which began to feel a bit longer than it needed to be.One advantage though is that the characters of the movie were developed nicely and key moments between them didn't feel rushed which was a plus,however for a comic book movie it takes a longer time than usual for the movie to kick on.Best way i can describe it is like this is a film of two halves as the first half is slow paced and plot hand-holding while the second half had a faster pace full of action and explosions.
Most of the new characters in this movie are great like Scott Summers,Jean Grey and Nightcrawler,i really liked the way how these characters were handled because they are given a good backstory and their introduction is quick.I especially liked Tye Sheridan's Cyclops because in the past X:Men movies Cyclops was never given as much time as i hoped and in this one they all are.Psylocke however wasn't used as much as i hoped,Olivia Munn was OK as Psylocke but she didn't do much in the movie,its like she is just there and not really fleshed out(she did have some cool action scenes though),also Alexandra Shipp's Storm is another case as she was introduced well but felt flat as the movie went on.
Quicksilver is back in this movie and he is again awesome as he had another speed scene and i am glad to say it was bigger and better than the speed sequence he had in Days of Future past.One character i wasn't sure about was Magneto,i really doubted if he needed to be in this movie because Apocalypse was the major villain in the movie.Magneto starts out well as he is given a simple arc and you understand why he joins Apocalypse to destroy the world,but at the end of the movie his arc doesn't come to a satisfactory conclusion as he took a backseat and felt like he didn't have a voice of his own and that is what i was afraid of.
Out of the Trilogy,X-Men Apocalypse is the one with the most action,although there isn't much when compared to the length of the movie,because the movie starts out with an action sequence but after that there isn't another one for a long time until the last third of the movie which is fine because like First Class and Days of Future Past it was interesting enough and it was cool to see the more action in an X-Men movie as both First Class and Days of Future Past didn't have a lot of it,although there was a downside as some of the action didn't have much fluidity and came of a bit stiff.
Now the villain.Apocalypse was a mixed bag for me in this movie,he had a satisfactory reason for destroying the world or remaking it,he is given a brief introduction but he was an interesting enough villain as the movie went on (and he monologuing for days).He was manipulative and powerful which i enjoyed,but during the last act of the movie he somehow falls flat as he had this particular arc in this movie,but it just felt sluggish and unnecessary and in the end he doesn't have a strong impact like previous villains had.
In terms of Story it really isn't that great compared to First Class and DOFP,it is bigger but not better as it didn't have much dramatic moments which you are used to seeing in the X:Men movies and some scenes didn't have the gravitas it should have which is really disappointing.There is a lot of good humour in this movie as well which for me is always welcomed,The Wolverine Cameo was awesome and without giving much away Jean Grey in the last act...nailed it....nailed it.
X:Men Apocalypse maybe not as great its prequels,but it is an enjoyable movie with in its own right and it really makes me more excited for more X:Men films to come.
Messier and heavier than Days Of Future Past, this is not so much the next step in the X-Men’s evolution as a failed callback to past glories.
One can say both. X-Men: Apocalypse is a reboot as it takes place in a reset timeline due to the events of the previous film X-Men: Days of Future Past. The timeline goes back to the origins of the mutants with younger versions of the X-Men. It is also a sequel due to taking place after the main events in Days of Future Past, which took place in the 1970s and most of the cast of First Class and Days of Future Past have returned. No. Shortly before the film movie was released, Bryan Singer announced that X-Men: Apocalypse and the then-upcoming third Wolverine film (Hugh Jackman's last role as Wolverine) would be the final chapters of his X-Men film franchise. However, the studio had a number of other films planned. Among them, It is rumoured that one is or would be titled "X-Force". It is uncertain if the film will be canon and will be apart of the cinematic X-Men universe. Though rumour has it the film after the next will be set in the 1990s, with the current cast. So, perhaps Bryan Singer will step down as director if the series continues. Yes, there is. He does indeed lose his hair near the end of the film, so the film's poster is truthful in a sense even if slightly misleading. Excluding ones that came out after Apocalypse, there are nine: X-Men (2000), X2 (2003), X-Men: The Last Stand (2006), X-Men Origins: Wolverwine (2009), X: First Class (2011), The Wolverine (2013), X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014), Deadpool (2016) and X-Men: Apocalypse (2016). a5c7b9f00b
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