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Leftover Crack Alternative Tentacles Patch ->>>
The 7" was limited to 1000 copies on white vinyl and is now sold outstza politics are just lovely I can relate with them entirelyThis 2016 reissue includes new art AND 2 new tracks recorded live on KALX Radio in 2001! More Infovirus489 (2017) LP + DOWNLOAD - $12.00 ARNOCORPS The Unbelievably Fantastic Ballsy 3 Pack of Pump Hey look! We're also offering The Unbelievably Fantastic Ballsy 3 Pack of Pump bundle deal! All three EPs for a low price of $30virus400 (2015) CD - $12.00 LP + DOWNLOAD - $12.00 DISASTER STRIKES In The Age of Corporate Personhood Boston's very own Disaster Strikes delivers this brand new hard-hitting album on Alternative Tentacles! Produced by underground legend Richard Marr, Disaster Strikes delivers Boston hardcore punk with impactful lyrics about social justice and workers' rightsHighBeam ResearchMediocre Generica - (September 11, 2001) Fuck World Trade - (August 31, 2004) Constructs of the State - (November 27, 2015) The DVD comes with the star-studded, never released soundtrack featuring DOA, Neko Case And Her Boyfriends, The Evaporators, & more1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Display 10/page 15/page 20/page 30/page all They were left for dead and nobody knew what became of them until they reemerged in Los Angeles 40 years laterWATCH THE NEW LEFTOVER CRACK/CITIZEN FISH E-CARD! LISTEN TO FOUR NEW SONGS OFF THE RECORD HERE!!! Smoke or Fires brand new release, This Sinking Ship, came out last week and their new video for the song The Patty Hearst Syndrome has already been added to Fuse TVAs straightforward and loud as it gets
6% Come back on or after Tuesday, August 31 to vote for your favorite songs Official Facebook Page Official Myspace Page Interview with Stza by Roya Butler (2008) Interview with Stza by Roya Butler (2009) Interview with Stza by Tao Lin (2011) virus253 (2000) Book/2x3"CD-$20.00-temp.unavailable EUGENE CHADBOURNE & EVAN JOHNS Terror Has Some Strange Kinfolk We just uncovered these suckers from storage, where they had been long forgotten! ON SALE! Hillbilly hijinks meets crazed city slicker, and boy do them fellas rock! Ex-Shockabilly protest folkster meets deranged rockabilly guitarist for a little Deliverance-style backwoods shenanigansDon't forget their devastating debut, Cosmic Rock! More InfoSearch For: New Releases DASH RIP ROCK Hee Haw Hell virus372 (2007) iTunes emusic Classic album from the undisputed kings of Southern Country Punk! This follow-up to Recyclone is a country punk opera based on Dante's Inferno?!? With spoken parts and good ol' rock-n-roll, Dash Rip Rock tells the story of Donkey's tour of Hell (populated by ghosts of Lynrd Skynrd and hippie jam bands) with Ol' Virgvirus457 (2015) 2xCD - $16.00 VOIVOD To The Death 84 iTunes amazon eMusic spotify VOIVOD formed in 1983, with a weird hybrid of thrash metal and punk; a sound that made them stand out as a unique band from the beginningFeaturing Jello Biafra! 3 flavors of LIMITED VINYL now SHIPPING! More Info 43b42fc606