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Combat rogue pvp guide 5.4.8: >> << (Download)
Combat rogue pvp guide 5.4.8: >> << (Read Online)
4 Jun 2014
22 Sep 2014 [PvP] Subtlety Rogue 5.4.8 Due to CP generation I find Rogues to be a tricky class to macro in PVP; I have found a solution for SUB though that will get your opener up and rolling with SnD; other than that 1st priority: If you are not currently in stealth and you are out of combat, the macro will stealth you.
31 Mai 2015 ROGUE ALL-SPECS GUIDE 5.4.8 Salut! Acest guide a fost facut pentru playerii care sunt curiosi sa incerce clasa Rogue pe Mists of Pandaria dar si pentru "veteranii" Rogues care poate nu
Hey, I'm pretty new to rogue, only started leveling one since 5.4 came out and have been searching for guides / advice for combat rogues in pvp. Could anyone give me some insight as to what weapons should be equipped (do i need x2 slow weapons, or can i use dagger MH and sword OH)? Also what
21 Mar 2015 Welcome to our Combat Rogue DPS guide for World of Warcraft MoP 5.4. Here, you will learneverything you need to know about playing a Combat Rogue in a raid environment,although most of the content also applies to normal and heroic dungeons. Class Overview. Combat Rogues currently lack behind
29 Aug 2012 Patch [patchnumber]? Yep, Combat Rogues haven't changed massively in Pandaria and WoW Patch [patchnumber] – but if you want to get up to speed, or you're going Combat for the first time, here's our quick-start guide, getting you going fast with new talents, glyphs, stat priorities, reforging, gemming,
1 Jun 2014 Page 1 of 2 - Combat Rogue Guide 5.4.8 - posted in Rogue: Combat Rogue Guide (5.4.8)This guide is written mainly for players new to playing Combat in arenas / PvP.IntroductionCombat is not a very well documented spec so I decided to give it some love.Strengths :Can global people with killing spree8
7 Jun 2014
So Im an assassination rogue and I dueled a combat rogue last night on the PTR. I have full S14 gear (yes season 14 pvp gear is up on PTR already) and i had damn near full health. I popped his on use trinket and killing spree on me and i went down like a led balloon. Im thinking combat is the next pvp
Do rogues benefit from PVE trinkets in PVP atm? I have noticed that after releasing of patch 5.4.8 there is a lot of combat rogues around. Is it because combat is easy spec to play and nub friendly or is it because combat is just better than subtlety in this patch? I have tried combat spec while leveling but it