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Buying & Selling Antiques and Collectibles on eBay (Buying & Selling on Ebay)
by Pamela Wiggins
rating: 4.8 (9 reviews)
->>> http://shurll.com/90ahp DOWNLOAD BOOK
Amazon rank: #2,232,586
Price: $1.52
bound: 328 pages
Publisher: Course Technology PTR; 1 edition (September 1, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1592004997
ISBN-13: 978-1592004997
Weight: 1.4 pounds
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Buying & Selling Antiques and Collectibles on eBay (Buying & Selling on Ebay) Pamela Wiggins
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Pacific time, a sole eBay bidder coughed up a whopping $30,000 for a 1971 200-watt Orange MATAMP purportedly owned and played by Jimmy ...
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