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The Specials Hd Mp4 Download
The Specials, the sixth or seventh greatest superhero group in the world, count the geeks and the oddballs among their fans. They don't have the prestige or the money that a group like the Crusaders has. But they've found their niche as the Ringo Starr of superhero teams. There's the Weevil, the most popular member and the one pursued by other teams; the blue-skinned, foul-mouthed Amok; Minute (My-noot) Man, who is sensitive about his oft-mispronounced name; the ever-sneering Deadly Girl; the naive and boyish U.S. Bill; the Strobe, the leader of the team; the Strobe's wife, Ms. Indestructible, who is having an affair with the Weevil; the irritatingly perky Power Chick; the green-skinned weirdo, Alien Orphan; the fat and pompous Mr. Smart; and Eight, who has eight different bodies. The new member is a longtime fan who calls herself Nightbird. Unfortunately, she joins just when Cosgrove Toys creates a new line of action figures based on the Specials. The company's disastrous press conference could mean the end to this cut-rate super-group.
The sixth or seventh best superhero team in the world pursue their rightful place in the harshly competitive world of toy tie-ins and fighting evil.
Wow, what an embarrassment this is. I don't care if the movie was shot over 18 days for barely $1 million, watching this movie is about as pleasant as licking scrotum sweat off a cadaver. This script should never have been greenlit in the first place, writer James Gunn should have approached Dark Horse or some other indie comic publisher and done a black-and-white graphic novel. It could have been halfway decent in that format and it is a lot easier to sell the superhero stuff in comics than it is in a film without money for special effects.
My feeling is you can't make a superhero movie for a mil, I don't care how you're doing it. Never for an instant does anybody believe any of the guys in this movie have any powers. I think it would've made a huge difference if they had shown one or two shots of members of the Specials using their powers early on to establish their cred as heroes, but they don't and it's impossible for the cast to simulate superpowers, no matter how good they are as actors.
The annoying thing about this is that you give $1 million bucks and 18 days to a number of directors, they could turn out something pretty special. Kevin Smith made Clerks for $20K for crissakes, and even considering inflation that would've been maybe $60K in 2000, when this was made.
Instead, director Craig Mazin and writer Gunn have given us another bottom-of-the-barrel superhero movie, as if we needed another one of those.
It just goes to show how bass ackwards Hollywood can be--if these guys worked in any other business and this was the work they produced, they would be abruptly fired and unable to ever work again in that industry. But the movie business doesn't seem to care whether their products are any good, hence Mazin is directing the upcoming "Superhero!" and Gunn is writing other gems like Scooby Doo 2. And there are still people out there that wonder why movies suck.
Those who were disappointed with Mystery Men will not waste there money on The Specials! Loaded with hilarious star power, this movie brings you a laugh a minute! Rob Lowe, Jamie Kennedy, and Thomas Hayden Church lead us through a fun ride as the 7th or 8th greatest super hero team in the world. The fact that the movie is focused on the personal life of the group and not about fighting evil just adds to the great story!
An easygoing work of unforced humor built on gags that should be stupid, but are ultimately too ridiculous to resist.