Tekniskt fel pågår.
På grund av att en server kraschat är det vissa problem att ladda upp bilder.
Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
lovade Mika att lägga upp dessa...så nu en månad senare så kommer dem Anna the phantom vs Mika the Kinky bus driver
oh no the phantom is killing kinky
yeeey the kinky bus driver won the battle
now kinky can sitt by the heroes table
and the phantom is kiked out
back at the heroes table the AMAZING I-perman arives with her body guard
And buys Kinky a drink
and out of nowhare comes Coco chanel who is drawn by the attention Kinky is getting wanting a pice of the spotlight
kinky and chanel kinda banded after a few drinks
but then kinky started to miss the phantom who infact happened to be a good friend of kinkys ....well that was before the Phantom had turned all villanish on him....anyway... Kinky starts screaming at
so chanel goes to get Anna the phantom, telling the phatom that she better come before kinky would get a nervous breakdown
but the Phantom was bewiched and the only way to save Anna the phantom from this terible spell was to (fim musik -->)DAM DAM DAM DAAAM!! chalange THE DEVIL
so aftwr getting the news from Chanel the kinky busdriver went to hell and chalanged THE DEVIL
and THE DEVIL just laughed MUHAHAHAHAHAHA and accepted the chalange
may the battle begin
as THE DEVIL hadnt been working out lately it wasnt hard for Kinky to win the fight
and they lived happily ever after ...unfortunately they did never get rid of chanel, but after some yeares they got used to her and her strange addiction to Kinky busdrivers and dark phantoms
det blåser och regnar och e kallt så the cool dudes tar på sig mössa halsduk och solglasögon