Surviving IELTS Speaking: Improving the Experience
by John Erick Kenmuir
The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) measures proficiency in English in foreign speakers. With years of experience administering the oral portion of this exam, John Erick Kenmuir has seen many students struggle due to nervousness—and much of this anxiety stems from apprehension about what the test format requires.
A cottage industry has arisen to prepare students for this formal assessment of their English-speaking abilities, but too often these courses and materials are taught or prepared by people with little or no knowledge about how the test actually works and what examiners are looking for.
Kenmuir has observed that students who lack a natural proficiency with foreign languages are not benefitting from these prevailing IELTS study aids and has therefore devised an approach that better anticipates the factors leading students to struggle with the exam—especially anxiety. He tackles these challenges head on by offering practical advice for anxious test takers.
Explaining what specifically will happen during the exam, why each step is included, what is behind the examiners’ reactions, and how the candidate should respond, this guide reflects the author’s dedication to this work—and to helping individuals for whom it will make all the difference!
rank: #1,003,603
price: $12.95
bound: 110 pages
lang: English
asin: B071VGKWDK
filesize: 1748 KB
Surviving IELTS Speaking: Improving the Experience John Erick Kenmuir
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It,is,very,important,to,be,realistic,at,this,stage.It,normally,takes,between,200-300,hours,of,study,to,move,up,half,an,IELTS,bandThis,,is,,one,,of,,those,,rare,,moments,,when,,I,,become,,a,,little,,angry,,,because,,this,,is,,bad,,adviceThe,,IELTS,,General,,Training,,is,,also,,a,,requirement,,for,,migration,,in,,English-speaking,,countries,,such,,as,,the,,UK,,,Australia,,,Canada,,,and,,New,,ZealandIn,fact,,accent,is,not,important,in,the,speaking,test,as,long,as,it,does,not,impede,your,ability,to,communicateBeing,,on,,time,,for,,all,,of,,the,,tests,,is,,vital,,,but,,your,,appearance,,isnt,,as,,important,,in,,the,,other,,examsThis,will,help,you,focus.Note,which,points,will,be,describing,and,which,ones,need,explainingOn,,,the,,,same,,,day,,,funding,,,cuts,,,to,,,Esol,,,for,,,jobseekers,,,were,,,announced,,,,David,,,Cameron,,,made,,,his,,,speech,,,about,,,countering,,,extremism,,,by,,,encouraging,,,integration,,,,and,,,about,,,how,,,important,,,it,,,is,,,for,,,people,,,to,,,learn,,,EnglishEsol,,,spending,,,grew,,,to,,,around,,,300m,,,by,,,2008,,,,but,,,provisions,,,are,,,now,,,much,,,reduced 79c7fb41ad