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The Divide Telugu Full Movie Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r2v8l
Nuclear explosions force the residents of a New York apartment block to run from the building. However, the explosions force them into a basement. Eight residents are holed up in the building's bomb shelter. They must acclimatise to each other in difficult, cramped conditions.
Survivors of a nuclear attack are grouped together for days in the basement of their apartment building, where fear and dwindling supplies wear away at their dynamic.
The Divide is utterly and relentlessly dark in it's expressions of the very worst of human behavior. It was difficult and repulsive to watch,yet I found myself unable to turn away....(much like just having to look at the roadkill on the road as you drive by) For my tastes, this movie had just the right amount of gore and violence to realistically tell the story. The acting over-all, was generally well done and believable up to, Id say, excellently done. The story/script had surprises and twists at every turn that I didn't see coming. (That is a major plus in my viewing experience and usually very rare) There is nothing that bores me more then to already guess what will happen....I didn't have that problem with this movie. This is not your typical, same ole' same ole' post-apocalyptic flick and although it seems professional critics looked down on this movie, I personally thought it was the best one of its genre I've seen in YEARS. Although for those of you that have weak constitutions I'd warn you to pass, but if you aren't afraid of looking at UGLY truths, Id say GO FOR IT! Im glad I did.
Survivors of a nuclear attack are grouped together for days in the basement of their apartment building, where fear and dwindling supplies wear away at their dynamic.
Let me start with the actors... Lauren German made a good lead, the innocent woman trapped in a world full of chaos and evil. Michael Biehn put on the best performance of his career, or at least in a very long time. I have a renewed respect for him. But stealing the show was Michael Eklund... wow, what a crazy guy.
Okay, so maybe that is not the way to start a review... and this movie is a cut above the rest. While it has elements of horror and science fiction, it is above all else a drama. The plot is not about nuclear bombs or what lies beyond the door, but rather how people handle each other in an enclosed space. And who can keep their sanity?
Jean Paul Sartre famously wrote that "hell is other people". In his story "No Exit", we have four people trapped in a room together for eternity, who quickly get on each other's nerves. Man is a social creature and needs companionship, but he does not always want it. And he is particular about whom he cavorts with. "The Divide" takes Sartre to a new level, throwing in food shortages, sexual desires and mental breakdowns.
The unintended psychological experiment presented is incredibly fascinating. What lengths will someone go to in order to survive? How will a mother cope with her lost daughter? And what of the two young men who only have the barest thread of sanity and humanity left in them?
And the moral undertones. From the very beginning, Mickey (Biehn) is seen as the villain. He traps people inside the basement, hoards food and is a general jerk. Yet, this is his home. Is he obligated to protect the others from nuclear radiation? Is he obligated to share his food? Does the circumstance of necessity overrule his rights to privacy and property? I will not get into that, but this is a real-life ethical issue shrouded in science fiction.
While this review is not well-structured, the point I wish to make more than any other point is how complex the film is. It can be summed up as people trying to survive after a nuclear attack, but there are many more angles that can be addressed. And these are rich, multifaceted characters. Not unlike "The Walking Dead", the writer and director (Xavier Gens) has made these people real. And that is one of the greatest achievements of all.
Expect the dregs for weeks to come, but I can safely say with absolutely no trepidation that it is unlikely to get worse than a lurid, lewd and loathsome shockfest called The Divide.
There are two versions of The Divide. Next to the MPAA-rated "R" version (for disturbing strong violence and sexuality, and for pervasive language) there's also an unrated cut that's featured on the US DVD and Blu-ray. Countries like Germany or the UK only got the R-Rated. a5c7b9f00b
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