January 2010
There's so much to say, but not enough with time. You are, and will always be the special one for me. I would scream out loud, I would scream til' I cry, til' I die just to prove your the one. ..The
I've been sitting around this life for years, Not enough laughs and too many tears. Trying to figure out where it all went, These wasted years that I have spent. Searching for something to go beyond,
Du kanske inte är den skrivglade personen, eller kanske inte kan formulera dig i text? Utan visar hellre dina känslor genom bilder. Det kan vara en bild du själv tagit eller bara red
You'll never understand why I hurt so much because you're not the one who is crying, you're not the one who is left behind, you're not the one who loved too much, and you're not the one who is holding
Bevaka/bli vän för dagliga updateringar med texter som kanske passar in i just Ditt liv. One year in heaven, surrounded by the angel I love the most.
Lycka är som parfym.Man kan inte hälla den över andra, utan att det droppar några droppar på en själv. &n
Don't give up, don't give in. Just try to hold on as long as you can. If you'll be gone, I got nothing left. &nb
Can't Stop This Thing We Started There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment, you must choose your direction. Will you fight to stay on the path? Will others tell you
If the scars on my arm dont stand for the love I had, then they stand for the mistages I made.  
Det finns en plats i världen, där solen aldrig ler, den platsen heter skolan dit vill jag aldirg mer! &n
När jag först kollade in i dina ögon såg jag bara en typisk kille som töntade sig på skolan, men efter ett par tusen gånger till såg jag en kille som jag lätt skulle kunna falla för , och de
It's kiss or kill and shoot to thrill when you do what you do. I would not die for anyone but I would kill for you.  
Varje andetag känns som vatten i mina lungor, som stora stenar på mitt bröst. Och det blir bara svårare,att andas med tiden som går. Allt jag behövde var dig och din närhet, Dig och din förmå
I found a million ways to say I love u, sing a million songs to make you smile, but I cant turn back time..
Is love something painful? Or is it something that brings joy to you're life. Will love bring sadness? or will the sadness dissepear when you found the right? Will love make you sad? Or was it meant t
Is it okeey to feel regret in my heart? To wish I had a second chance, to make another choice, to follow my inner voice. &
Baby I know how life is without you, it’s cold and dark. It has no meaning neither a happy ending. No goal to reach. You showed me love and you took me to heaven. Now all I want to do is to sp
I see your face in my mind as I drive away, Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way. People are people, And sometimes we change our minds. But it’s killing me to see you go, just like tha