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Inuyasha Full Movie In Hindi 1080p Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r2u7a
InuYasha is the story of a dog half-demon who is constantly after a jewel of immense power, the Shikon jewel, also no as the Shikon no tama. He lives in the forest near the village where the jewel is protected by a priestess named Kikyo. Soon InuYasha and Kikyo fall in love and InuYasha promises his new love he will use it to become a full-demon. However, a bandit named OniGumo who is obsessed with Kikyo offers his body to a group of demons who inhabit it and he ceases to exist and becomes a half-demon called Naraku, who, above everything else, desires power. Naraku disguises himself as InuYasha and attacks and fatally wounds Kikyo, who then, believing her attacker was her former lover, shoots InuYasha thru the heart with a sacred arrow that puts him sleep forever or until the curse is lifted. Kikyo dies and the jewel is burned with her. However, fast-forward several hundred years into the future and we meet Kagome, a girl who lives in Tokyo at a shrine with her family. Not knowing she is the reincarnation of the priestess Kikyo she goes down one day into her family's well and then is transported thru a mystical portal to the feudal-era of Japan's history. There she meets InuYasha and frees him from his tree when the village is attacked by a demon. Having the jewel hidden inside her body, Kagome soon has it taken out and it is not long before a demon steals it and she shoots the jewel with an arrow and it shatters into thousands of peaces. Over the course of the series, InuYasha, Kagome, and the friends they come to meet battle Naraku in a race to rebuild the jewel before Naraku can use it for his own evil purposes. Will InuYasha and his allies stop Naraku in time or will Naraku triumph and become the most powerful demon to ever exist?
Kagome Higurashi is a 15 year old schoolgirl who lives at a history-filled Japanese shrine. She is also the reincarnation of an ancient priestess named Kikyo, who guarded the sacred Shikon no Tama (Jewel of Four Souls), and who sealed away the half-demon Inuyasha who had tried to steal the jewel in order to become a full demon. Kikyo died of her wounds and had the jewel burned with her body. Kagome is one day pulled into the ancient well on her family's shrine and thrown into the past, 50 years after Kikyo's death. She befriends Kaede, the late Kikyo's sister, who realizes Kagome is Kikyo's reincarnation. They are attacked, and learn that Kagome has the Shikon no Tama, but it's actually inside her body! Kagome accidentally awakens the dog-demon Inuyasha, and frees him after the jewel has been ripped from her body. Now Inuyasha wants the jewel back, but Kagome can't let him have it. He is forced (by Kaede's magic) to wear a necklace that allows Kagome to control him with one word, "Sit!", which sends him face-first into the ground. Kagome accidentally shatters the jewel, and now she and Inuyasha have to work together to find all the pieces before they fall into the wrong hands. Only Kagome can "sense" where the shards are, and only Inuyasha is powerful enough to get them from the demons or people who have them. But can they stop fighting long enough to work together?
Well, I'm up to episode 115 now, and I have to say, I thought the show was da bomb for the first 50 or 60 episodes or some (Which was how many I had seen when I commented the first time), but now I think the storyline is dragging out to the point of irritation. At this point. <SPOILER?>, there is a plot thread that has been going on for 16-17 episodes, and it doesn't seen to end just yet. I hope they can change this around, because if they don't, Inu Yasha is gonna take a plunge to the bottom of my favourite anime list.
Though I may not be an otaku, but there is good oriental animation, or anime out there. I catergorize anime in two categories:
There is O-FAKA (One of a Kind Animes), the animated works Hayao Miyazaki, Tsui Hark and Keita Amemiya.
Then, there is the TAT (Typical Anime Trash), which consists mostly of all the manufactured anime that are copycats (Digimon, Lily C.A.T)or crappy overrated shows that create copycats (any of the Dragon Ball shows, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Pokemon).
And well, Inuyasha falls under the TAT category.
Though I am a fan of some of Rumiko Takahashi's works like LUM and "Rumic Theatre", I have a feeling Inuyasha is one of her weaker links besides Masson Ikkoku. It is basically Dragon Ball Z with good animation. Nothing More, nothing less.
I guess no form of animation is safe from the wave of manufactored crappiness...
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