Monday 9 March 2009 photo 1/1
You don´t know what you got till you´re missing it a lot
I had to go throw it away
I was wrong from the start from the bottom of my heart
I apologize
What i did to you was hurtful
What I´m going through is hurtful
Studiedag, sjukt skönt. Men börjar redan få ångest inför alla prov & inlämningar.
Trevlig kväll igår & träning ikväll.
Vill ha sommar.
I had to go throw it away
I was wrong from the start from the bottom of my heart
I apologize
What i did to you was hurtful
What I´m going through is hurtful
Studiedag, sjukt skönt. Men börjar redan få ångest inför alla prov & inlämningar.
Trevlig kväll igår & träning ikväll.
Vill ha sommar.
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