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Moth identification guide wnite with black spots: >> << (Download)
Moth identification guide wnite with black spots: >> << (Read Online)
house moth identification
white ermine moth
white moth with black spots
brown moth
regal moth
magpie moth
oakworm moth
orange moth
None (8) Checkered (7) A Forewing main color. Brown (112) Gray (77) Orange (61) White (46) Black (26) Green (13) A Shape at rest. Spread (91) Arrow (72) Tent (50) Tail (40) Parallel (14) Underside (5) Antennae shape. Simple (11) 2-comb (5) 1-comb (2) Claviform spot. Absent (35) Indistinct (14) Dark margin (3) Dark (2)
None (1128) Orange (332) Yellow (237) Red (207) Green (76) Blue (72) A Forewing distinctive pattern. Band (801) Spot (579) Complex (529) Speckled (173) Stripe (172) None (122) Veins (78) Checkered (39) A Forewing main color. Brown (856) Gray (652) White (379) Orange (308) Black (243) Green (47) A Shape at rest
To view a subset of photographs, use any combination of filters and search boxes. The search boxes can accept full or partial names. All filters are applied together. Click on a photograph to view full size, or click on a scientific name to go to a species profile. Species. Family . White-striped Longtail Chioides albofasciatus
Have you found an interesting looking moth or caterpillar and don't know where to start? Listed below in order of frequency are the most popular ID requests I've had since starting this website. A very distinctive white fluffy species; quite large, reaching about 2 inches from head to tail, with delicate black markings.
Black-veined Moth (Siona lineata). Bordered White (Bupalus piniaria). Chalk Carpet (Scotopteryx bipunctaria). Drab Looper (Minoa murinata). Emperor Moth (Saturnia pavonia). Netted Mountain Moth (Macaria carbonaria). Four-spotted (Tyta luctuosa). Humming-bird Hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum). Small Dark
Cabbage Moth. Clouded Brindle Dusky Brocade. Waved Umber. Figure of Eighty. Early Grey. Yellow-barred Brindle. Speckled Yellow. Currant Pug. Small fan-footed Wave. Ingrailed Clay. Mottled Rustic. Middle-barred Minor. Straw Dot. 5-spot Burnet. Rustic Shoulder-knot. Dark Arches. White Ermine. Heart and Dart.
Listing of North American Butterfly and Moth insects. Butterflies (and the related Skippers) are the quintessential summertime insect across North America, representing 760 complete species while a full 12,000 are known to roam North America and some 165,000 Thumbnail picture of the Black-Bordered Lemon Moth.
Green-veined White (Pieris napi). Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines). Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi). Brown Hairstreak (Thecla betulae). Purple Hairstreak (Favonius quercus). White-letter Hairstreak (Satyrium w-album). Black Hairstreak (Satyrium pruni). Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas). Small Blue (Cupido minimus).
This is the keyword search. To find a moth by name, use the Basic Search. Search. About UKMoths. UKMoths is built, run and maintained by Ian Kimber, with thanks to the many kind contributors who provide photos and information. Get Connected. The UKMoths Facebook Page is a great place to post your identification