Wednesday 13 May 2009 photo 1/2
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Tog en kort paus från arbetet, och roade mig med Internets en stund.
Fick då för mig att kolla upp vad Conservapedia, den konservativa motsvarigheten till Wikipedia, säger om Che Guevara. Enjoy.
Ernesto "Che" Guevara (b. June 14, 1928, died October 9th, 1967) was a sadistic Marxist guerrilla leader, with Fidel Castro, of the Cuban "Rob"olution and became a cultural icon for liberals, leftists, Communists, illegal aliens[1], and dumb white teenagers.[2] The photogenic "Ernesto Guevara failed spectacularly at everything he attempted in his life--except at the mass-murder of defenseless men and boys."[3] Despite being a mass murderering terrorist and overall scumbag, his image is still used as propaganda which adorns millions of t-shirts and posters.
In the words of one of his former political prisoners, "There was something seriously wrong with Che Guevera."[4]
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