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Music, Informal Learning and the School: A New Classroom Pedagogy (Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series)
by Lucy Green
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rank: #338,385
price: $18.32
bound: 244 pages
publisher: Ashgate; 5B edition (January 28, 2013)
lang: English
asin: B00AW99ATG
filesize: 985 KB
Music, Informal Learning and the School: A New Classroom Pedagogy (Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series) Lucy Green
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project teamRate this book Clear rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars Meaning, Autonomy and Authenticity in the Music Classroom by Lucy Green 0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — published 2005 Want to Read saving Error rating bookRate this book Clear rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars How Popular Musicians Learn: A Way Ahead for Music Education (Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series) (Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series) by Lucy Green 4.38 avg rating — 16 ratings — published 2002 Want to Read saving Error rating bookOther editions - View allMusic, Informal Learning and the School: A New Classroom PedagogyLucy GreenLimited preview - 2009Music, Informal Learning and the School: A New Classroom PedagogyLucy GreenLimited preview - 2008Music, Informal Learning and the School: A New Classroom PedagogyLucy GreenNo preview available - 2017View all Nora rated it it was amazing May 23, 2017 The thick descriptions and the sharp, well-structured analyses offer a great amount of valuable knowledge to researchers as well as educators.’ Music Education Research ’& the sophisticated and methodical analysis that Green brings to this work is a helpful illumination that should empower, promote and extend the activity of music educators across our schools.’ Journal of Music Technology and Education ’Viewed altogether, the Musical Futures initiative, the empirical authority and depth of this project, and finallyTable of ContentsContents: Introduction; The project's pedagogy and curriculum content; Making music; Listening and appreciation; Enjoyment: making music and having autonomy; Group cooperation, ability and inclusion; Informal learning with classical music; Afterword; Appendices; Bibliography; Index.About the AuthorLucy Green is Professor of Music Education in The Institute of Education, University of London, UK.About the SeriesAshgate Popular and Folk Music SeriesPopular musicology embraces the field of musicological study that engages with popular forms of music, especially music associated with commerce, entertainment and leisure activitiesPreview this book Green, L
MacDonald, RAR and Mieli, DResearch-based curriculum materialsRate this book Clear rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars Learning, Teaching, and Musical Identity: Voices across Cultures by Lucy Green 0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — published 2011 Want to Read saving Error rating bookChris Baker rated it liked it May 31, 2014 The teachers agreed that overall motivation, enjoyment and cooperation increased above, and in many cases well above what would normally be expected; and that in general skill-acquisition was greater than expected and greater than normal
This is a detailed ethnographic study that shows - with precision - the interface moments in teaching and learning where popular music and classical music alignRate this book Clear rating 1 of 5 stars2 of 5 stars3 of 5 stars4 of 5 stars5 of 5 stars Insights in Sound: Visually Impaired Musicians' Lives and Learning by David Baker, Lucy Green 0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings Want to Read saving Error rating bookJoe Collier added it Mar 05, 2015 The key argument in this book is that informal learning - the musical knowledge attained outside the classroom - can positively impact on music inside the classroom.While this argument may seem self evident, this book places considered attention to both listening and compositionRefresh and try againIt can appear to conflict with their views of professionalism, and may at times seem to run against official educational discourses, pedagogic methods and curricular requirements 171bf2437f
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