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Insects Of The Great Lakes Region (Great Lakes Environment) Book Pdf ->>>
pAmerican Mathematical Society, 1999, pSo it means "and so forth" or "and other things"The stylebook indicates that if the shortened sentence before the mark can stand as a sentence, it should do so, with an ellipsis placed after the period or other ending punctuationThe precise meaning varies by language, but it generally involves something dealing with multiple itemsIn computing, several ellipsis characters have been codified, depending on the system used
As the Japanese word for dot is pronounced "ten", the dots are colloquially called "ten-ten-ten" (, akin to the English "dot dot dot").[citation needed]On the Internet and in text messaging[edit]l, l l, l m? n! Contents 1 Background 2 In writing 3 In different languages 3.1 In American English 3.2 In British English 3.3 In Polish 3.4 In Russian 3.5 In Japanese 3.6 In Chinese 3.7 In Spanish 3.8 In French 3.9 In German 4 In mathematical notation 5 Programming languages 5.1 HTML and CSS 6 On the Internet and in text messaging 7 Computer representations 8 See also 9 References 10 Further reading In news reporting, often associated with brackets, it is used to indicate that a quotation has been condensed for space, brevity or relevanceThe most common form of an ellipsis is a row of three periods or full stops (There are two commonly used methods of using ellipses: one uses three dots for any omission, while the second one makes a distinction between omissions within a sentence (using three dots:...) and omissions between sentences (using a period and a space followed by three dots:..)
When ellipsis points are used in the original text, ellipsis points that are not in the original text should be distinguished by enclosing them in square brackets (e.gIn American English[edit]In legal writing in the United States, Rule 5.3 in the Bluebook citation guide governs the use of ellipses and requires a space before the first dot and between the two subsequent dotsIn Chinese[edit]This is used in many languages, including Pascal, Modula, Oberon, Ada, Haskell, Perl, Python, Ruby, Bash shell and F#In the Unicode standard, there are the following characters: - Depending on their context and placement in a sentence, ellipses can indicate an unfinished thought, a leading statement, a slight pause, an echoing voice, or a nervous or awkward silence.
There may be a historical record of major changes to this workIt is less commonly used to indicate a pause in speech or an unfinished thought or to separate items in material such as show business gossip^ Humez, Alexander; Humez, Nicholas (2 October 2008)(in Russian) ^ Roland Backhouse, Program Construction: Calculating Implementations from SpecificationsThe Chicago Style Q&A recommends to avoid the use of (U+2026) character in manuscripts and to place three periods plus two nonbreaking spaces (...) instead, so that an editor, publisher, or designer can replace them later.[28]The Houghton Mifflin Canadian Dictionary of the English Language^ ^ Goldstein, Norm, editorExample: I think that 8b5fd15931
Camera info
Focal length 55 mm
Aperture f/16.0
Shutter 1/500 s
ISO 400