A Promise to Jess
by Sean Graham
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From the beginning of their first season in 1995, this group of eight- and nine-year-olds take their coaches and families on a magical journey of inspiration, excitement, hardship, and incredible accomplishments. The parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, friends, fans, and coaches alike are wrapped up in the lives of the Warriors for an intense, eight-week period. This little ragtag bunch of players is one of a number of Tyke teams in a city league. For most of them, this is their first experience of football or of participating in a team sport. Their first season gives them a taste of victory and they win the B cup city championship.
The author begins the second season as an assistant coach, practicing not only with his oldest son, Jess, on the team but his younger brother, Kurt, as well. He comes up with a new offensive strategy that helps bring the team out of the doldrums. Living on the emotional roller coaster alongside his players, the author witnesses these young kids grow and flourish as a team.
Join Sean Graham as he shares the simple pleasures and rewards he finds in coaching the Warriors, and allow them to capture your heart and inspire you, as they did for so many of their fans.
A Promise to Jess Sean Graham
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