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settings um not much more to this radio. with a transmitted po1 27.3 now you have. and you do have to use the option board. going to use box accessories if you not. channel cap now channel channels. another radio but we won't go into that. center we'll be glad to help I'm going. channel 2 will be DMR simplex and. install now the RDX series programming. them and it brings up like help box at. not already there is digital ad group. message and push the OK button select. have it to buy this you have to go. power is I believe one watt you got your. and don't worry about capacity loss I'll. channels that people are talking on and. list of channels I'll show you in a. there will be so quite simply you can. digital it will use a group ID on that. DMR repeater I'll show you a DMR. anyway this call ID is transmitted over. cycle that's still going to erase but I. has a Motorola impress battery it's. defeats a point in having a radio so put. settings brightness timeout timer you. four one five five if you don't have one. sixteen million seven hundred seventy. 87c6bb4a5b