Wednesday 12 September 2007 photo 1/1
I fear... [x] homosexual people [x] the dark [ ] being single/alone forever [ ] being myself in front of others [ ] open spaces [x] closed spaces [ ] heights [ ] black cats [ ] birds [ ] fish [ ] ants [ ] moths [ ] driving [ ] flying [ ] flowers or other plants [ ] being touched [ ] fire [ ] water [ ] the ocean [ ] failure [ ] success [ ] thunder/lightning [ ] frogs/toads [ ] mice/rats [ ] jumping from high places [ ] snow [ ] rain [ ] my mom [ ] wind [ ] cotton balls [ ] cemeteries at night [x] clowns [ ] large crowds [ ] crossing bridges [x] death [ ] dying alone [ ] heaven [ ] my parents not liking who i am [x] being robbed [ ] men [ ] women [ ] having great responsibility [x] doctors [x] dentists [ ] my house burning down [x] tornadoes [x] hurricanes [ ] diseases [x] loosing my iPod( saknar den :(! ) [ ] snakes [ ] sharks [ ] guns [ ] friday the 13th [x] being stuck where you are ( haha xS) [x] ghosts [ ] halloween [ ] school [ ] trains or railroads [ ] odd numbers [ ] even numbers [ ] being alone at night [x] growing up [x] monsters under my bed [x] creepy noises in the night. [ ] bee stings [ ] not accomplishing my dreams/goals [ ] blood [x] someone you love or care about getting hurt [x] someone you love or care about hurting you [ ] love [x] losing a loved one [ ] getting paper cuts [ ] falling while im running [ ] spiders [ ] feet [ ] needles [x] falling down the stairs [x] drowning [ ] ladders [ ] being labeled [ ] tattoos [ ] people that dont speak english [ ] getting in trouble [ ] skinnydippers [ ] strobelights [ ] Hurting someone [ ] vacuums [ ] rejection [ ] car crashes total: 21 xD If you get more than 30 you're paranoid. If you get 21 to 29 you're normal. If you get 11 to 20 you're almost fearless. If you get 10 or less you're fearless
Comment the photo
Wed 12 Sep 2007 16:27
hur kan du vara rädd för homosexuella? :O
Wed 12 Sep 2007 16:28
skulle inte du bli rädd om en bög skulle komma fram o stöta på dig :O? jag skulle fan bli rädd om en tjej kmr fram o söter på mig :O de hade vart riktigt läskigt...
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