17 November 2007

Turn speakers up!…Last night on November 13th famous drummer Travis Barker was found dead in his garage. “He was found in his garage coming home from a dinner/award ceremony.” said reporter Tom Burry.
Investigators are not sure of how Former +44 drummer yet died or they are not telling the public the full truth yet.
Travis’s wifes exact words “everyone in the world has someone special who has died in there life. Maybe it hasn’t happen yet but please pray for Travis and my family. I would appreciate it and whoever did this to Travis is a sick! man.”
So if you have a heart please repost this and take a minute and pray for this great drummer known as Travis barker.
And if you don’t repost this no one will kill you and no one will hurt you and no you won’t have bad luck for seven years. You not posting this just shows you have no heart.*So please just repost as “in loving memory of Travis Barker.
Detta kan bara inte vara sant. Snälla, säg nån att detta inte är sant.
Jag dör. Travis Baker kan inte vara död? Säg nått nån.
As we reported earlier today, the rumor that Travis Barker had been murdered were completely false. His on again/off again wife Shanna Moakler posted a bulletin on her MySpace, saying:
“I’m not quite sure who would start such a sick rumor, even if it was done as a joke. I am happily laying next to my husband who is alie and well and it brings me great pleasure to stop a rumor as horrific as that. It is indeed FALSE.”
We wouldn’t say it was a horrific rumor. Childish internet hoax, yes. Horrific? No. These two should be thanking the bored kid that started the rumor for (sort of) keeping them relevant.
Och här höll jag på att dö. Ojojoj. Vilken sjuk unge som startade detta ryktet
Travis Baker lever och fyller år idag <3 Grattis Traav <33
![BlähäBlaha^^ Jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska skriva men...
Jag hade det massakul igår :] Tacktack [:
Tyvärr glömde min fader ta med kameran hem från typ Ödesh&](http://cdn08.dayviews.com/18/_u1/_u8/_u2/_u9/_u0/u182906/73807_1195303821.jpg)

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