Friday 17 October 2008 photo 7/14
I know a girl
Who's obsessed with a guy
She talks for hours and still tomorrow
She'll call again
And when he thinks that this could be the end
She calls again
At 6 in the morning
She waits at the door
He tells her to leave
But still tomorrow she'll be there again
She won't let go
Can't you just go somewhere on vacation
I could book your flight and pack your bags if you want
A one way ticket out of my life
Watching you fly away
I never liked you
She doesn't care if he tries to ignore
He runs away but still she follows
She'll try again
She likes to think she'll get him in the end
Can't you just go somewhere on vacation
I could book your flight and pack your bags if you want
A one way ticket out of my life
Watching you fly away
I never liked you, I never wanted you, I never liked you, I never wanted you…
Can't you just go somewhere on vacation
I could book your flight and pack your bags if you want
A one way ticket out of my life
Watching you fly away
I never liked you, I never wanted you, I never liked you, I'm not in love with you
Lätt att jag är tjejen här ._____.
Carro! Kommer du ihåg när vi va på kolmården med klasserna o du stog med ryggen
mot detta vackra djur, så börja det låta o du bara hoppa upp o skrek o blev skiträdd o
Biggan o jag började asgarva x)
Fri 17 Oct 2008 23:45
såna är läskiga
Fri 17 Oct 2008 23:46
näe, dom är ju fina, åtminstone när de fäller ut de där..., stjärtfjädrarna? ^^
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