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wiikey update 1.9B
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Took it home, had a browse on and downloaded 1.9b update and 1.3 setup files. Then I burnt the iso file 'wkupdate.1.9b.pal' onto dvd-r (using filechop to resize the file to approx 1.4GB). Put the disk into wii, pressed start on gamecube screen. Pressed reset to begin test flash, then I got stuck when. The update is finally here! I am hosting it on my site, and numerous other mirrors are popping up and being posted in the source. Download. Retail US Super Smash Bros. Brawl Working on Wiikey!!! 10 March, 2008. Download. Wii Modchip Install - Wiikey. 5 June, 2008. Download. -= Mise a jours Wiikey 2 Version 1.3 New Super Mario Bros OK - =- 16 December, 2009. Download. Wiikey Update 1.9g Super Mario Galaxy Wii. Hello guys, this is my first time writing a message so bear with me. I have a Wiikey installed on my system and I use Sony DVD-R 16x to burn an ISO. Now I never had any problems with the media. I burned the Wiikey update 1.9b iso to DVD using Imgburn, the disc shows up on the wii, I select it and press. Weiß einer vielleicht von euch wo ich den update 1.9b kostenlos runterladen kann ohne toorent zu benutzen ??? Und wenn ich das dann habe wie soll ich. Apesar do update 1.9b já ter vazado a algum tempo atrás na internet, apenas hoje ele foi oficialmente lançado para consumo pela massa. O Wiikey base v1.3, também conhecido como disco de de configuração (config disk) agora oferece suporte completo a region free para jogos de Gamecube e inclui uma aplicação. A leaked version of the wiikey firmware update is available on several websites. While the leaked firmware is indeed working and has all of the announced features, it has not yet been fully tested and does not come with the configuration and recovery discs. A full version will be available from very. Hi all, I've update my Wiikey with the "leaked" 1.9b Update and everything's working fine. If I update my Wii Firmware to 3.0 now, are there any bad... This update fixes the 3X DVD issue and adds NSMB BCA support. Older versions: 1.9S (PAL, US, JAP) - Firmware patched for Smash Bros. (2008-04-12); 1.9G (PAL, US, JAP). 4 minMise à jour 1.9b de la Wiikey sur une console Wii en firmware 3.0E . Succes ! Encore une. WiiKey 1.9b Recovery Disc Popular Description: If the upgrade process is interrupted before reflashing is completed the wiikey chip will be left in an inoperable state where it cannot load GC/Wii discs. The Recovery disc can be used to restore its firmware. (keywords: wiikey software) Author: Team WiiKey Version: 1.9b. welcome to wicked wiikey update! | | | | so what's new ? | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | - audiofix fixed o_0 | | - dual layer support (no bitsetting required) | | - improved media support (all supported chipsets) | | - full Gamecube regionfree (no-swap/video setup) | | - various "smaller" improvements/fixes | | - workaround for FW. Simple. Get the 1.9b firmware (search google that's what I did) and Unzip. It bascially contains 3 ISO's for each of the wii regions. Simply use toast to burn the ISO onto CD for the wii you have (pal, jap, usa) and thats it. Stick the CD into your wii, it mounts as a gamecube disc. Launch. Firmware test begins. The Wiikey Team have now "officially" released firmware update 1.9b and the long-awaited config/setup disc. Version 1.3 of the Wiikey base system has an added configuration option for the full gc region free feature. It also incrorporates a new version… So they may stop at any time. The wiikey has sold loads and should have many new updates to come. I'm really. Awesome. So we seem to have people with both factory WiiKey rom going straight to 1.9g as well as people playing it safe and upgrading to 1.9b first. I think its safe to say that the updater simply. [08-09-03] Wiikey update 1.9b. A leaked version of the wiikey firmware update is available on several websites. While the leaked firmware is indeed working and has all of the announced features, it has not yet been fully tested and does not come with the configuration and recovery discs. A full version will be available from. Some guy posted a workaround on the psx scene forums. Supposedly if you mess up the wiikey via software then the Wii won't detect it and a RETAIL copy of Brawl will work. He says he tried it twice and it works. - Get any update for the Wiikey 1.9b or 1.9g for example - When the update is around 50-75%. Voici la mise à jour tant attendue de la puce Wiikey qui apporte les modifications suivantes: - Les disques originaux de Super Smash Br...Wii Info, tout. Ma question est la suivante , sachant que le firmware 1.9g est plus récent que le 1.9b , il est inutile d'installer les deux firmware l'un aprés l'autre.C'est un. Ich hatte jedoch schon öfter Probleme mit Updates, er hat seit der WiiKey 1.9 Firmware Probleme mit GC Homebrew DVDs und kann so nicht einmal seine eigene Setup Disc direkt starten. Ich habe mal. 1.9b Recovery Disc, Ist ein Update schief gelaufen, kann man damit angeblich den Chip wieder retten. Ich kann mir das. 30 sept. 2007. Etape 1. Mise à jour Wiikey 1.9b: Voici ce que vous pouvez voir sur le site officiel wiikey [07.09.26] Wiikey update 1.9b from The previously leaked version has been found stable, so it is now available from! This upgrade includes many new features and bug fixes, including a workaround. here u go i found this. Some guy posted a workaround on the psx scene forums. Supposedly if you mess up the wiikey via software then the Wii won't detect it and a RETAIL copy of Brawl will work. He says he tried it twice and it works. - Get any update for the Wiikey 1.9b or 1.9g for example - When the update is around. ... for FW 3.0 gameid limitation (existing Setup disc 1.2 will boot again) - "On the fly" settings for GC games (by holding buttons) : Toggle audiofix, diskspeed, force NTSC/PAL NB: Parameter setting via Setup disc v1.3. In case of bad flashing of the modchip, please use the Recovery 1.9b disc. Update 1.9b Wii Firmware Version – 3.0E Original/Clone Wiikey – Original Previous Wiikey Firmware Version – 1.9b. Any problems Updating? – NO Had Region Override ON when updating? – NO Ran Config Disc 1.3 after the update? – NO Did SMG work OK? – Yes Percentage of Backups that load – 0% (all show as. I try the WiiKey Setup Disc 1.3 with 1.9b firmware on it but it also did not read (wrong disk not able to load) it so i can t reflash to anything. Wiikey升級1.9g-beta.rar裏面解壓後一共有4個檔。其中bootdisc.jap.iso是對應日版,對應美版。 之後把config.1.3.rar這個檔解壓,把裏面的fixsize.cmd. Is this the correct way to upgrade my Wii Key currently on Wii firmware 3.0eSteps are as follow:1. Wiikey 1.9b Update Disc2. Wiikey modded Hex Swap Disc3. Setup. Worked on a USA WiiKey. I had original firmware and I updated straight to 1.9G, I did not mess with 1.9B at all. Immediately after I ran Super Mario Galaxy (USA) and let it install an update - all works fine :) SMG and an old game are also working just fine. I will post in here if there are any games that stop working, but "so far. [07.09.26] Wiikey update 1.9b from The previously leaked version has been found stable, so it is now available from! This upgrade inclu... From what i can see i need to update the wiikeys firmware to 1.9g. however i download this from and try to unzip it (with winrar) and it said it was corrupted. i also tried 1.9b, which says the same. i presume i dont burn the zipped file to disk! Do i need something else to open it? EDIT: in the end i found it on a torrent. Jeg har Version3.1E på Wii'en min, Wiikey oppdaterte jeg først til 1.9b, etter på så ble det 1.9g. Jeg får ikke til å brenne ut wiikey config 1.3, eller jeg får brent den ut, men det kommer opp svart skjerm og en error etter jeg trykker på gamecube ikonet. Hva er galt egentlig? Må jeg ikke endre regionen til PAL. När jag ska uppdatera mitt wiikey till 1.9b och hade sedan tänkt att uppgradera till 1.9g för Super Mario Galaxy. Men skulle börja med 1.9b. Då får jag upp följande Error: Test Failed Check Connections and Try Again. O cara que dumpeou ja deixou com audiofix ON, region override ON e tudo mais. Ja estou destravando pros clientes com o wiikey clone hehe. PS: e sim... esse clone gravado por mim atualiza normal com o disco de update Por isso que saiu tao rapido o hex do 1.9b... gravaram o codigo original... fizeram. I have not been able to find a thread here on AD or a web site that has a concise list current and past firmware updates for the Wii, and also list wich... ex : my semi-bricked jap wii (with 2.2U inside) were unbricked with jap SMG to the 3.0J firmware (and without the 1.9g beta wiikey update, still in 1.9b) should. Nimo Beeren: i am sorry for the comment, but i did it now, and my wii runs all the downloaded games! The only problem is with nsmb wii, but i'm planning to buy it. Jan Smetana: @IKEA12345678900 Ehm, and what you want? I havu multiple CD just for test reason, dont be disturbed with this. Nimo Beeren: Can you tell me. New Update 1.9b and Config disc 1.3 for Wiikey !" class="" onClick="javascript:'/externalLinkRedirect.php?');return false">" class="" onClick="javascript:'/externalLinkRedirect.php?');return false"> I tried it and it's works fine !!!!!!!!!!!!! (Burn with CloneDVD) Before burn the disk you must use filechop.exe for the good size of dvd (put it in the same directory of your iso). You must type in. par contre on se retrouve avec 3 dvd a graver : - Wiikey 1.9b Update Disc. - 1.9b Recovery Disc (for emergency use - see readme). - Setup disc v1.3 (PAL/USA/JAP). Quelqu'un peut-il me dire la différence entre l'umpdate disk, et le setup disc ? Car dans le setup disc 1.3 en principe il y a la mise a jour, non. from the official website [08-09-03] Wiikey update 1.9b. A leaked version of the wiikey firmware update is available on several websites. While the leaked firmware is indeed working and has all of the announced features, it has not yet been fully tested and does not come with the configuration and recovery. Beschreibung: Original Beschreibung: Wiikey update 1.9b from The previously leaked version has been found stable, so it is now available from! This upgrade includes many new features and bug fixes, including a workaround for firmware 3.0 issues, improved media compability, full gc region free, and. Wiikey 2 is the most popular DVD updateable chip for Nintendo Wii. It works on all drives (DMS, D2A, D2B, D2C, D2C-2 and D2E) and is the original and trusted solution. Wii Firmware Version – 3.0E Original/Clone Wiikey – Original Previous Wiikey Firmware Version – 1.9b. Any problems Updating? 2007年9月4日. 引述《Splash5 (史不拉雞五)》之銘言: :update已放出:有需要的可以到各大論壇去找:ps 這不是官方放出的update 官方update大概會在"幾天後"放出:不過那個"幾天後" 以wiikey的不良記錄很難講是幾天XD 純翻譯,其他什麼都不知道....有錯請指正[08-09-03] Wiikey update 1.9b A leaked version of the wiikey firmware. [08-09-03] Wiikey update 1.9b. A leaked version of the wiikey firmware update is available on several websites. While the leaked firmware is indeed working and has all of the announced features, it has not yet been fully tested and does not come with the configuration and recovery discs. A full version will. This is a discussion on Wii 3.1U wiikey 1.9b NTSC within the Wii Capabilities and Hacks forums, part of the Wii Chat category; I have just upgraded my wii on both.. I don't know what else it could be (perhaps the wiikey is not Genuine, something went wrong in the update, or your solder points are loose). Original Mario Galaxy fungerer knallbra på Wiikey 1.9b. En ting jeg ikke skjønte. Kjørte Mario Galaxy (måtte installere update for å få fram logo på channels...) Kjørte deretter Metroid Prime (backup) og spilte litt, virket knallbra. Kjørte til slutt Mario Galaxy, men fikk "disc read error" inne på channelsmenyen. Consola Ntsc, SMBB DVD9, wii firmware 3.1U. Actualiza sin miedo. You could just buy a $4 on/off switch and then run it to your VCC/+3.3V connection (The number 2 on the install guide) and the wiikey. You cut the power to.. What I did exactly... in simple easy to read steps 1. downloaded 1.9b from the Wii. Well its finally here the long awaited wiikey update disc. [07-09-25] 1.9b Recovery Disc. The recovery disc for wiikey 1.9b has been added to the Resources section. If the upgrade process is interrupted before reflashing is completed the wiikey chip will be left in an inoperable state where it cannot load. 1. yang kulakukan adalah mendownload 3 buah file dari lalu ambil 3 jenis file, yaitu : Wiikey 1.9b Update Disc Setup disc v1.3 (PAL/USA/JAP) Wiikey 1.9g BETA HOTFIX 2. unzip/unrar file yang sudah didownload...., ke folder masing2... misal : Wiikey 1.9b Update Disc = nama foldernya. To unlock the full potential of your first generation Wiikey, you'll need to update to the final firmware build, 1.9s. Firmware 1.9s will allow your Wii to play dual-layer game backups. Firmware 1.9s also gives you the option of preventing Wii games from loading system updates, keeping you from accidentally. Updates 1.9g and 1.9b.rar. (6MB ). Download. Dance Yo Pants Off 0.6.9b. (444.70MB ). Download. Wiikey Update v1.9b.rar. (4MB ). Download. [ps2] PLAYSTATION-ps2 ICO ESP.[]. (669.10MB ). Download. The Healing Codes Manual - Release 3.9b(08-02-2010). (1.99MB ). To determine if a Wiikey is a clone use the following guide: As of now, all region free methods (be it patching with a region free application, or in this case, the Wiikey's built in region free capability) share the same method of patching.My chip installation is fine and the firmware update went without a hitch (as did 1.9b some. The WiiKey team however announced that with their 1.9b to. 1.9g update they had nearly done a complete rewrite. Because of that comment I tested both WiiKey versions fully. So I end up with these chips: Fully: WiiD v0.2. Fully: CycloWiz 3.5. Samples taken at random: CycloWiz 3.6. Fully: WiiKey 1.9b. Fully. I think that might be what happened when you put Prime in and ran that update. "What is the 1.9b wiikey disable trick"? The 1.9g Wiikey update is the same as the 1.9b update, it just adds stuff to allow Mario Galaxy to work. After you update your wii to 3.2, you should be able to play all games. I think the wii only updates from. 29. září 2008. Ahoj lidi... asi už to tady bylo jo, ale nevim kde na to najdu odpověď... Mám Wii konzoli + Wii Key (asi není od Wisoftu... teda na 90% není od wisoftu) s firmwarem 1.9b (vše o čem je řeč je v PAL verzi)... koupil jsem si originálku SuperSmash Bros Brawl... ale nešla mi zapnout... házelo to erory... dopídil sem. Pessoal, tenho um Wii americano que estava com o Wiikey na versão 1.9g (o update do Mario Galaxy). Baixei o Smash Bros no gato preto, gravei com o Nero em um DVD DL Ridata, com verificação de dados, e gravou certinho. Coloquei o DVD no Wii, e o disco fez uma atualização de sistema. Depois. Voici la mise à jour du firmware tant attendu pour tous les possesseurs du modchip Wiikey officiel ou clone sur la Nintendo Wii.Compatible PAL/US/JAP (choisissez le bon .iso dans l´archive) Attentio - Topic [No Pirates] Wiikey Update 1.9B du 05-09-2007 01:18:18 sur les forums de Hi, I have a Wii PAL with latest update (3.1E). I have a WiiKey installed. I updated it to version 1.9b using Update Disc found at the official... Wiikey ist OK auch mit Firmware 3.0E. Bei US Spiele mach nicht die selber Fehler wie ich-Neuste Ami Firmware von CD abspielen-hat 130 Euro gekostet zu Reparieren und eine "nette" Brief von Nintendo! Mit die neuste Wiikey Update(1.9b) geht sogar Cube Spiele +DL Rohlinge ohne Probleme! @C3pl10 4 minWiikey 1.4 Config Disc after 1.9s update. 3x & 6x · Wiikey fusion gamecube · Wiikey Fusion. Tous les téléchargement pour votre console PS2, PS3, XBOX, WII, GAMECUBE. 30 sept. 2007. Bonjour, Je viens de recevoir ma Wii avec une wiikey et j'ai effectué directement une MAJ du firmware... :/ J'ai donc gravé le wiikey update 1.9b et le config 1.2b en utilisant les executables pour padder les fichiers à un 1.4Go. Pourtant aucun des deux DVD n'est reconnu sur ma Wii. Juste au cas où je grave. Try to update firmware of your wifi router to match latest configuration. Wiikey Update 1.9b @ 1x, My chip installation is fine and the firmware update went without a hitch This is not the “An error has occurred. Wiikey DVD Dumper failing. i use the DVD Dumper to backup my games i get the error: Checking card format. Failed! Wiikey 1.9b Update Disc2. … Wiikey Fusion Installation Guide Step 1. Before you can install Wiikey Fusion, you will need to. an SD Gecko Adapter Contents 1 Where to download 2 How to use 3 Issues with firmware 3.0 4 Config 1.3 [edit].