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Download Hindi Movie TRON: Uprising
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r24ih
A young program named Beck becomes a leader of a revolution in The Grid. Beck is trained by Tron to become a great warrior, teaching him fighting skills and mentoring him as he becomes a powerful leader. Beck's destiny is to lead a revolution to stop the reign of Clu 2 and his henchman General Tesler, and to lead his home and friends to freedom.
In the computer world of the Grid, a young program joins Tron's fight against their world's tyranny.
After the Legacy movie , I couldn't get enough of Tron and I really liked the idea of making a series that happen in between the 1st and 2nd movie. yet I always hated CGI animation in TV shows , it just looks bad compared to something you see in the cinema . and I'm in the belief that cartoons should stay animated in the old fashioned way ...
The Uprising didn't change my mind . but it doesn't change how much I enjoyed this show . it looks visually great , very detailed and while I hate the character designs I can't say that it's not unique and highly styled . plus , while the animation isn't the smoothest thing I've seen . all the action sequences were AMAZING .
But the true reason why this show is so great it's because of the revolution themed story , the great voice acting , and how you can see the artistic vision the creators had in every shot .
I will be watching this :) and the only thing missing right now in Tron is - a sequel to the movie
Upon seeing the teaser trailer preview for Tron Uprising around January 2012, I dismissed the series as being nothing that I would have interest in watching. Based off the favorable buzz generated from the first episode, I decided to give the show a chance. Thank god I did.
This version of Tron takes the best parts of the Tron movies, combines stylized CGI graphics that capture the heart of Tron perfectly, mixed up with a wonderful collection of sounds that would make DaftPunk proud, and balances the delivery with a sensation cast of voices.
Give this series a chance, easily one of best American made Sci-Fi series of 2012.
I would guess that it´s before. As Tron hasn´t been repurposed into Rinzler yet and Clu is still alive. a5c7b9f00b
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