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ping batch file
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I am sure you must have named the resultant bat file as "ping.bat". If you rename your file to something else say pingXXX.bat. It will definitely work. Try it out. my batch file contains below code only ping -t. with file name as ping.bat enter image description here. with file name abc.bat. enter image description here. Related QuestionsMore Answers Below. Open Notepad. Enter the following command: ping ipaddress (replace ipaddress with the IP to be pinged) If you want the output to be saved to a file, re-write the command as follows: ping ipaddress >> C:(path to the file). Save your file as ping.bat. Actually I think it should be without the %% at the set command: @echo off set /p a="Enter IP Address or Name: " ping %a% pause. Here is an alternative that reports whether ping was successful or failed: @echo off set /p a="Enter IP Address or Name: " ping %a% -n 2 > nul IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0. The interpreter of the batch file will usually repeat the commands you have written to the .bat/.cmd file. Thus something like this ping will look like this: C:UsersXYZDesktop>ping Ping wird ausgeführt für [] mit 32 Bytes Daten: Antwort. 3 min - Uploaded by IT Window1. Open text editor. 2. Type: "ping *the ip you want to ping*" 3. Go to file save as. 4 . Select. Re: Script or batch file to ping machine names. You owe me one supapat! Glad I could help. --- For the ping.exe I added the -a switch. So, in case you have ipaddresses in list of computers, the output now also shows the dns name of the computer. But if you just want to know whether a computer is pingable. hello all, is their any simple program in which i can ping different IP addresses using batch file? its like if i ping Solution: @echo off Set /P pinghost="Enter" an IP address or hostname to ping: ping.exe %pinghost% -t pause. to create a batch file simple create a new notepad document and save it as filename.bat and in the file insert the following ping "ip or hostname" do that for each machine you want to ping and it will try 4 times and display the output. run the .bat as any normal application to try it you might want to add pause. The following will do it. I have used URLs but IPs will work equally as well. The first with (>) = I call it a gazinta (goes into) Will create/recreate the file test.txt on the desktop and place the results into it. All other lines will have to use the double (>>) inorder to add to the file rather than recreate it. My example. Batch Script PING - Learn Batch Script starting from Overview, Environment, Commands, Files, Syntax, Variables, Comments, Strings, Arrays, Decision Making, Operators, DATE and TIME, Input / Output, Return Code, Functions, Process, Aliases, Devices, Registry, Network, Printing, Debugging, Logging. Create a simple batch file that outputs to a text file ONLY when a ping fails and also include the time of the failure. PC World's PressF1 tech help forum powered by vBulletin. What is happening in this Batch file? Prompting an IP address and set to a variable named %IP%, and its pinging once with 32 bytes of data. If it is failed the background color will change to red. And display “Request timed out" then wait for some title . We used a self ping for sleep function. The code put it in. Hello folks, I want to create and run a batch file that pings an IP address. e.g ping -t so i get a reoccurring ping on said IP address indefinitely. Now my problem is that I dont know... PING. For any MS-DOS or Windows version with a TCP/IP client, PING can be used to delay execution for a number of seconds. PING localhost -n 6 >NUL. will delay execution of the next command for (a little over) 5 seconds seconds (default interval between pings is 1 second, the last ping will add. First, to all who contributed to the batch file and command pages, a big THANK YOU! :) No programming knowledge at all here, but have made a number of batch scripts to automate things like data backups and disk cleanups. Everyone *says* back up your stuff frequently (the puter might not boot next time). How do I create a ping batch file that prompts for input for a hostname or ip address to ping? Sometimes you will want to find out more about your local area network and what machines are running at certain IP addresses. Querying the domain name server can be unreliable since some machines may be hidden, so sending a direct ping is the most reliable way of checking for the existence of a. Greetings I am trying to make a batch file (i guess a *.bat would be ok) but i am not a proggramer. What i want to do is a bat file with 4 steps: 1) Ping a range of ip's ( to 2) If the script finds >= 2 IP's replies from the specific range (one is which is my server's ip, so it. Hi Guys, I need some help writing a batch file to test network connectivity for various locations. Basically we are transitioning to from an existing... As specif iced in the comments; the FOR command can not process ongoing output; it handles a set of data once the process terminates. You will need to produce only one set of output per execution of ping to be able to capture each result. You also need to limit the result set to just the ping result and. I'm trying to make (hopefully a simple) script that when run pings my mobile device. If the mobile is connected to the network it will execute one command and if not it will execute another. I've tried with the following command: ping -n 1 (The IP) >nul IF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO safe IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO. Dovresti quindi correggerlo e, dato che ormai la causa del problema è stata individuata, riportarlo alla versione originale ossia "ping", 2) se si lancia un .bat con un doppio click, viene aperta una finestra del prompt dei comandi, eseguito il contenuto del file batch e poi viene chiusa la finestra;. I have a windows batch file (.bat) which reads a text (servers.txt) file (this file contains Host names) and produces the output of the ping test. Currently, I have 3 hosts mentioned in the servers.txt file and the output of the ping results which is displayed within Splunk is as below: My requirement is I want to. I've noticed a lot of people wanting to find the absolute best worlds, through third party methods or wanting Jagex to add a visible ping to their... Insert the PING command where you want the delay to occur. The -n 1 parameter adds a second ping to the original command. The wait between the two pings, designated by -w 30000 , is the delay. The delay has to be entered as milliseconds. Putting >nul at the end will send the command's output to. Not sure if this is the right forum, but programming seems about as close as to what I need. I'm looking to do some Network testing where we run a series of ping tests against a single machine and track Min/Max/Avg Pingtime and # of Dropped Packets. I know I can easily dump a log file with something as. Hi, I'm writing a batch file that will replace the sylink.xml file on the remote client, rather than using the Sylink replacer application. So far my efforts have been successful, but I have to do it in two parts. First, I have to PING the computer to ensure it's online. Then I execute my batch file if the remote client is. Windows batch file what will ping all servers in servers.txt and will output offline.txt if the server can't be pinged. It can't discriminate between server-not-found or server-is-down. Raw. ping.bat. @echo off. del log.txt 2>nul. for /f "delims=" %%a in (servers.txt) do ping -n 2 %%a >nul && (. >>online.txt echo %%a&echo %%a. This command pings the localhost IP address. The parameter -n 5 means it will ping five times. The first ping happens at t="0" and there's a time delay of 1 second between each ping so that gives us a 4 second delay where our batch file seems to be doing nothing. Finally, > nul eats up the output of the command so we don't. Batch file that pings specified IPs continuously and logs failed responses. - Wrote this last week. Pings specified IP addresses every X seconds. Logs failed responses, including timestamp and IP address, into a text file dynam. So I made a small batch file which monitors the ping to the EUW, EUNE and NA servers. I thought others might need this sometime aswell, so here is the code: @echo off mode con: cols="17" lines="4". COLOR F0 title Pingtest echo. echo Connecting echo to servers :pingtest set eu="nr" set na="nr" for /f "skip=8. ping -l 65500 -w 1 -n 1 goto :loop. In the above command, replace with an IP address. Save the Notepad with any name. Let's say dos.txt; Right click on the dos.txt and click on rename. Change the extension from .txt to .bat; So, now the file name should be dos.bat; Double click. To add a list of PI Ping Interfaces to the PI Ping tool, you can create or edit a batch file and use it to add the interfaces with the Point Browser. Use the Network Node List to create the file, or Import an interface list batch file for editing. You can add nodes from the Network Node List to selected PI Ping interfaces in the Point. Omdat internet hier er vaak uitligt ben ik bezig met het maken van een *.bat bestand dat automatisch een ping moet uitvoeren iedere 900 seconden naar een ip adres. en dit daarna opslaan in een *.txt bestand. Hiervoor heb ik gekozen (IP= en heb nu simpel een regel "ping. Open notepad. Type: ping Save it is ping.bat or whatever.bat. Use windows task scheduler to schedule the batch file to run. You'll want the results outputted somewhere though. Look up windows batch files and windows task scheduler. Ping – timestamp (batch script). August 24, 2015. Sometimes you may need to gather ping statistic from the specific host. If for some reason you cannot use any monitor tool then you can just use ping command and direct the result into a txt file. The problem is that ping command does not output any timestamp so you don't. In this article I would like to introduce a ping script that sends ICMP echo requests, receives ICMP echo replies from hosts, and saves the results into a text file with a timestamp. The ping script is universal and can be copy-pasted into a batch file (*.bat). It works, at least intended to work, on any Windows operating system. I want to creat batch file for multiple ping requests for IPs (,, Each ping request should be opened in new cmd window . Iam using Win XP. Can you help me create a continuous ping test batch file with date? Create a pingtest.bat file with the code starting with "@ECHO OFF". You will be able to use the file by launching the Command Prompt and typing pingtest logfile Where. Hi, I am trying to write a batch file that pings computers and records whether or not there is a reply in a separate txt file. I would like to have a list of addresses in another file so that I can. Batch Files in Windows 10 can help to ease your efforts. Here is an easy guide on How you can Create a Batch (.bat) File in Windows 10 with images. Here we show you 6 ways to timestamp pings as well as sending a continuous set of ping results to a text file, make sure to run Command Prompt or batch files as Administrator to avoid issues.. 1. hrPing. hrPing is by cFos Software who develop the cFosSpeed internet accelerator application. The hrPing. I am using PC which OS Windows XP Sp3. My Server is Win2k. I am using ping -t command to check connectivity to the remote site with server. Now I want to write batch file which can notify or can send message on my pc if Remote site disconnected or not available from server or from my site. For example. basically im new to writing command prompt batch files so really need help down here i need to write out a batch that can help me continously ping a ip add... Windows allows you to send a message, called a ping to other computers in your local network. If you would like to export the result of a ping command to a text file but don't know how, this tutorial may help. Open the command prompt by going to... Given the recent activity and advances I've seen on the Internet and Network Programming board lately I thought I'd share a method I use for easily providing LB with additional Internet and system capabilities. Batch files. I've only come across a few examples in the past of someone using batch files with LB, but MS has. Filed under Microsoft. We were asked by a client to write a simple batch program that tests if a server is alive by using ping. Below is a sample of the script that we created. The client used it in a Formscape project to ensure that a server was available before writting a record to a database using ODBC. I want to check few machines whether they are pingable or not by running a batch file. Please help me to check whether machines are reachable. Please... Hi How can you ping multiple host names and send the results to a txt file, could simply past the host names into the batch file then run it Thanks in. Re: how to create a windows *.bat file for pinging. Logic is not something that Windows batch files have been traditionally very good at, the following snippet will tell you which addresses drop packets (out of the four that ping.exe normally sends). Code: @echo off if %1.==. goto usage :loop if %1.==. goto. Step 2: Website Pinger. Picture of Website Pinger. This Batch Pings a website you want and go to it at school :A @echo off. Title Website Pinger color 0e echo Enter the website you would like to ping set input= set /p input= Enter your Website here: if %input%==goto A if NOT B echo Processing Your request But this process only creating the log files but not logging anything into the files. Please let me know if you have any solution, I have given the similar code for your reference. batch file reference code:- Hide Copy Code. start ping Testdb1> C:UserslogTest1.txt start ping Testdb2 > C:UserslogTest2.txt Hi all, I'm having a very odd issue with a batch file, simply designed to ping a machine and report it up or down. The script is as follows; pi... it is by rating it below. When having trouble with a user's ability to connect to our hosted application, getting them to run pathping and checking the results can be frustrating. Here is the easiest workaround I have found. I just send them a batch file with the following command line: pathping XXX.XX.X.XX > c:pathping.txt. I ran across this batch file called "windows virus scan" on the desktop of a computer I'm working on.. ping localhost -n 2 >nul.. So they run this file that just pings the localhost, gives a bunch of made up errors then shuts down the computer to convince the victim that they are infected then ask for a couple. I recenty migrated to Windows 10 from XP. Years ago, I made a batch file, ping.bat, to test my Internet connection and DNS server: ping hi guys i have a problem. im trying to get my batch file to start over once it has finished. my batch file looks like the following... netsh wlan connect SKY03175 SKY03175 ping -n10 -w 1000 ftp :top. GOTO top now the batch file itself works fine. but the goto command only. Purpose. This simple batch script takes a text file list of hostnames and performs a ping against each system. It enters the results to a new comma seperated file that can be opened in Excel. Download. Setup. Create Hostlist file. Create a text.