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PDF | 469 Pages | English. This book provides a review or introduction to communication systems for practitioners, easing the path to study of more advanced graduate texts and the research literature. Topics covered includes: Signals and Systems, Analog Communication Techniques, Digital Modulation, Probability and
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In addition to demodulation a receiver must. 1. Select the desired signal. 2. Reject the other signals. 3. Amplify the signal. Some of the amplification should occur before demodulation because the demodulator typically does not work well with small signals (usually because of non-zero forward bias diode voltages).
An Introduction to Analog and Digital communication, Simon Haykin, Wiely India. 2. Analog communication system, P. Chakrabarti, Dhanpat Rai & Co. 3. Principle of digital communication, P. Chakrabarti, Dhanpat Rai & Co. 4. Modern Digital and Analog Communication systems, B.P. Lathi, Oxford university press.
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