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The effects of nurse staffing and nurse education on patient deaths in hospitals with different nurse work environmentsTotal force = PCSA ⋅ Specific tension {displaystyle {text{Total force}}={text{PCSA}}cdot {text{Specific tension}}} In comparison, 76/727 (10%) trials covered by the FDAAA but not subject to mandatory reporting had reported results (95% confidence interval for the difference in proportions 7.8% to 15.5%; 2 test, P="2".6109).The proportion of trials subject to mandatory reporting that had reported results was influenced by the phase of the study (table 1)10:160207International journal of public healthWe believe that our search in January 2011 represents the earliest reasonable time to do our study
Trochim, Web Center for Social Research Methods, copyright 2006 Cross-Sectional Design by Michelle ATo identify the subgroup of these studies for which mandatory reporting is required within one year of study completion, we cross referenced our search results with DrugsFDA (the US database of FDA approved drugs).MethodsNot all trials registered with are covered by the FDAAA, and only a proportion of those covered by the FDAAA are required to report results within one year (trials subject to mandatory reporting)1998;51:11718.View ArticlePubMedGoogle ScholarUNESCO Institute for StatisticsWe did not find interactions between age and other measures for social relations, which suggest that, regardless of age, social relations have a significant influence on poor mental healthThe US, for example, has fewer nurses per capita than most countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries29 but comparatively more nurses per patient in hospitals as shown in this studyWe excluded studies that did not have a site in the United States
References[edit]BMJ1997;315:640-5.OpenUrlAbstract/FREE Full TextHopewell S, Clarke M, Stewart L, Tierney JAmendments Act of 2007The stratified analysis (included in FigUsers manual for the SF-12v2 health survey (with a supplement documenting the SF-12 health survey)The percentage of burnt out and dissatisfied nurses in the US was close to the European median, but the percentage of US nurses intending to leave their jobs in the next year was lower than in all European countries.Table 4 Nurse outcomes in 12 European countries and the USCompliance with mandatory reporting of clinical trial results on cross sectional study CCBYNC Open access Research Compliance with mandatory reporting of clinical trial results on cross sectional study BMJ 2012; 344 doi: (Published 03 January 2012) Cite this as: BMJ 2012;344:d7373 Article Related content Metrics Responses Peer review Andrew P Prayle, NIHR doctoral research fellow, Matthew N Hurley, Wellcome Trust paediatric clinical research fellow, Alan R Smyth, professor of child health1University of Nottingham, Division of Child Health, School of Clinical Sciences, Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH, UKCorrespondence to: A P Prayleandrew.prayle{at} 4 November 2011AbstractObjective To examine compliance with mandatory reporting of summary clinical trial results (within one year of completion of trial) on for studies that fall under the recent Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act (FDAAA) legislation.Design Registry based study of clinical trial summariesWorld medical association declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles for medical research involving human subjectsCompeting interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests 1cc1596b1f,364311797,title,Out-Of-Band-Data-Pdf-Download,index.html