Sunday 17 June 2007 photo 9/10
maybe i'm a little bit over my head i come undone all the things he said and he's so funny in his striped shirt we were all in love and we all got hurt i sneak into his cars black leather seat the smell of gasoline in the summer heat boy we're going way to fast it's all to sweet to last it's alright and i put myself in his hands but i hold on to my secrets in white houses love, or something ignites in my veins i pray it never fades in white houses PS. jag ser västa kär-och-ledsen ut. och armin är kameraposer
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Mon 18 Jun 2007 01:59
hahaahha, vi båda ba: hej armin,s tor näsa.. xD <3 *snart ses vi igen.. planerar allt* :P
Mon 18 Jun 2007 02:00
fett lätt att vi gör (orkar bara svara på en av dina söta kommentarer) <3
4 comments on this photo