Amusements in the Light of Reason, History, and Revelation
by Samuel Milton Vernon
The Christian classic concerning the nature of amusements and the character of the theater.
Chapter 1. Amusements Are Designed by God
Chapter 2. Amusements Are Necessary
Chapter 3. Proper and Improper Amusements
Chapter 4. The History of the Theater
Chapter 5. Testimony Concerning the Character of the Theater
Chapter 6. The Testimony of the Church
Chapter 7. The Corrupt Character of most of the Actors is an Objection to the Theater
Chapter 8. The Character of the Plays in Use
Chapter 9. The Theater's Defense
Chapter 10. The Moral Influences of the Theater
Chapter 11. The Theater and Christian Life
Chapter 12. Can the Theater Be Reformed?
“Man has been called "the laughing animal." This definition, if not exhaustive, is at least philosophical and suggestive. In the crown of superior faculties with which the Creator was pleased to endow man, he placed this sparkling gem as a peculiar divine gift. Laughter is the efflorescence or sportive action of the nobler powers — reason, judgment, imagination, taste, and even of conscience itself.
“The sense of humor is a strong element in human nature, appearing in all grades of society, growing with advancing civilization and culture, adapting itself to all religions and philosophies, and running through all the experiences of life, like a golden thread, essential to the integrity of the whole fabric.
“The Creator gave man an eye that he might see, an ear that he might hear, and faculties for amusement that they might be used. The faculty proves the intention of the Creator. If God made man with a propensity to laugh it is clear that he intended him to laugh, that in itself it is right, and that it ministers to the highest good."
Amusements in the Light of Reason, History, and Revelation Samuel Milton Vernon
3.1 Moral Revelation . religions throughout history signifies that he loves all of his . lesser light that exists among peoples unfamiliar .Links: History. Links . The Light Part . He is the light of revelation God sent into the world.[PDF] Amusements in the light of reason, history, and revelation .Free Download Amusements in the Light of Reason, History, and Revelation (Classic Reprint) .Is the Bible the Only Revelation from God? . conclusions that can be drawn from the general revelation of God in creation, history, . events, reason, .Buy The Sabbath Viewed in the Light of Reason, Revelation, and History: With Sketches of Its Lit. at light, and smoke, connected . according to the Bible, history is the milieu of God's revelation. . Faith and Reason: An Introduction to Modern Jewish Thought .REASON AND REVELATION. . Some History of Reason vs. Revelation. . These filaments, similar to the coil in an incandescent light bulb .Light, life and the glory of God. by . (concentrated in key parts of Biblical history) . It stands to reason that God himself is light since he is the creator .The Seven Churches of Revelation . The Seven Churches of The Apocalypse. . already affected its performance as a light-bearing instrument. For this reason, .Amusements in the Light of Reason, History, and Revelation; Amusements in the Light of Reason, . Indianapolis, at a time when the amusements, here condemned, .Revelation: An Exegetical Study of the Greek Text . reason is that many interpreters have failed to take seriously the first verse of the . whole of human history.Title: The Sabbath viewed in the light of reason, revelation, and history, with sketches of its literature. Author: .Dig deeper into the subjects of Revelation and the end times by . Stuart Briscoe unpacks Scripture that details Jesus' return and sheds light on how . History .amusements in the light of reason history and revelation Download amusements in the light of reason history and revelation or read online here in PDF or EPUB.Amusements in the Light of Reason, History, and Revelation, a book by Samuel Milton Vernon. Amusements in the Light of Reason, History, .. Home Brochures Cultural History Historical Heresies: 19th Century Humanistic . Historical Heresies: 19th Century Humanistic Philosophies and . Reason .The Book of Revelation, . historicist interpretations see in Revelation a broad view of history; . Poetry was also the reason John never directly quoted the older .Amusements in the Light of Reason, History, and Revelation Author: Samuel Milton Vernon .Amusements in the Light of Reason, History, and Revelation. . teaching of the Word of God or of sound reason. To engage in such amusements as are furnished by . 5d8a9798ff