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Ces-d spanish pdf: >> << (Download)
Ces-d spanish pdf: >> << (Read Online)
CES-D10. NIAID ADULT AIDS CLINICAL TRIALS GROUP. Page 1 of 2. Patient Number. Date of Patient Visit mmm dd yyyy. Protocol Number. Institution Code 3 b. Tuve dificultad para mantener mi mente en lo que estaba haciendo. 0. 1. 2. 3 c. Me senti deprimido. 0. 1. 2. 3 d. Tuve la impresion de que todo lo que hice.
Coping, mood, and aspects of personality in Spanish translation and evidence of convergence with English versions. Journal of Personality . CES-D (Spanish). Las siguientes frases indican distintas maneras de sentirse. Por favor indique la frecuencia con que Usted se ha sentido de estas maneras en la semana pasada.
El proposito del presente trabajo fue conocer la propie- dades psicometricas de la escala CES-D en una muestra de adolescentes estudiantes de educacion secundaria de la ciudad de San Juan de Pasto, para lo cual se llevo a cabo un estudio instrumental, con la participacion de 790 estudiantes de seis instituciones
30 Nov 2012 The prevention and treatment manuals available for download below have been designed for low-income ethnic minority populations at San Francisco General Hospital. The following article reviews the development and evaluation of these manuals: Munoz, R. F. & Mendelson, T. (2005 ).
8 Oct 2012 A Spanish version of the CES-D was revised by 5 native Spanish speaking psychiatrists using as reference the English version. A locally standardized Spanish version of the ZSDS was used. These Spanish versions were administered to 70 patients with a clinical diagnosis of DSM-IV Major Depressive
English, Spanish & French versions. I?The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale, also abbreviated CES-D is a widely used 20-item rating scale. Those items were selected from previously validated depression scales (e.g., Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock, & Erbaugh, 1961; Gardner, 1968; Raskin,
Test-Retest. Reliability. 20. 1-53. 16.2. 10.9 .91. NA. Source of Psychometric Data. Stanford Arthritis Self-Management Study, 1996. Unpublished. Comments. We are no longer using the CES-D in multiethnic studies because we have found that the norms for various ethnic groups differ. This scale is available in Spanish.
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D). Scale Description: The following scale was developed by the Center for Epidemiologic Studies (Radlof, 1977). The scale has been found reliable (Alpha>.85) in previous research (Hann et. al., 1999). A Spanish version of this scale is also available. Scale items:.
BioPsychoSocial Assessment Tools for the Elderly - Assessment Summary Sheet. Test: Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). Year: 1977. Domain: Psychological. Assessment Tool category: Mental Health. Variations/Translations: The scale has also been translated in Chinese and Spanish.
Many studies have shown this test to be accurate at detecting depression. However, as with other tests, it should be used with clinical interviews and / or other testing to diagnose depression. Adobe acrobat (pdf) version (printable) is here. CES-D_-_English Version. The Spanish version of CES-D is here: CES-D - Spanish