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Using a rewritten version of the PIC16F628A software designed by Wolfgang Buescher, I modified the PLJ-6LED-A device to both work on 75 and 80 meters as well as the other bands supported by the FT-7 / FT-7B. It took some time to make this work as the interface between the PIC processor and the TM1637 chip driving
PLJ - 6 leds - A is designed for the HAM friends of cost-effective six LED display module, frequency is mainly used for transceiver equipment such as frequency values show, also can be used in the conventional frequency measurement. | eBay!
11 Jul 2014
30 Dec 2015 Description and Parameterization / Menue / Settings of PLJ-6LED Frequency Counter. DL7MAJ, Dec. 30th, 2015 page 1 of 3. Menue for parameterization: ? Measurement should be active; if not: disconnect and reconnect to supply. Start with UPPER or LOWER keys on the back side of the module: 1.
Прочитайте инструкцию например: 1. Там есть возможность кнопочкой (нижней) переключать режим 10100Гц младшего разряда. 2. Очень большая погрешность может быть связана с установкой промежуточной частоты для
Sestimistny meric frekvence PLJ-6LED je urcen pro zobrazovani kmitoctu v rozsahu 0-65 MHz s moznosti nastaveni mezifrekvence (pricitani, nebo odeci- tani zvoleneho kmitoctu). Je osazen modernim jednocipovym mikropocitacem a sesti sedmisegmentovymi zobrazovaci LED. Je urcen pro napajeni napetim v rozsahu
PLJ-8LED Frequency Counter. User Operating Manual. 1. 8-digit LED Frequency Counter Module. Model PLJ-8LED-C. User Manual V 1.0. May 2014. Appendix with test details and schematics and additional notes in the main text of this manual were added in August 2016 by ZL2PD.
2013?3?22? PLJ-6LED-A ?????HAM ???????????LED ???. ???,?????????????????,??????????? ?????????,????,?????,???????? ????:. ? ?Microchip ??PIC16F628A ????65MHz ???? ? ???????????????
Essais du module frequencemetre PLJ-8LED. On trouve sur ebay plusieurs Pour une conversion dBm en mV voir 0. 50. 100. 150. 200. 250. 300 dans la notice en chinois. Toutefois on trouve dans la notice du modele a 6 LED plusieurs schemas dont celui de la.
I stumbled across this user manual and wanted to share it. If you haven't found a good manual, check this one out. 73, George W5AGK. More. All Posts By This Member. R. 11/19/16 #18499. Thanks George, This information will definitely come in handy, knowing how