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Clean catch urine specimen instructions female: >> << (Download)
Clean catch urine specimen instructions female: >> << (Read Online)
clean catch urine sample poster
clean catch urine instructions poster
how to give a urine sample female
clean catch urine instructions male and female
midstream urine collection instructions
clean catch urine instructions pdf
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clean catch urine instructions for patients
How to Provide a Clean Catch Mid-Void Urine Sample – Female. Important: It is important to follow the instructions below exactly, to properly clean the bacteria from the skin and urinary opening. A dirty specimen may result in the need for a second test, or worse yet, may be the cause of a wrong diagnosis, unnecessary
Hold the urine cup a few inches from your urethra. Urinate into the cup until it is about half full. Stop the flow. Let go of your labia, and if needed, finish urinating into the toilet (not the cup).
CLEAN CATCH /MIDSTREAM URINE COLLECTION (FEMALES) A clean catch urine specimen is used by your doctor to diagnose a urinary tract infection. Check to make sure the urine cup you have been given is labeled with your full name. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and dry with a paper towel or allow to air dry.
5 Jan 2016 The clean catch urine sample method is a noninvasive way to collect urine for a sample while minimizing the possibility of contamination by bacteria. You can usually find instructions similar to those below listed on a sheet of paper provided by someone in the clinic or on a laminated instruction sheet
13 Jul 2016 To collect the urine sample: Keeping your labia spread open, urinate a small amount into the toilet bowl, then stop the flow of urine. Hold the urine cup a few inches (or a few centimeters) from the urethra and urinate until the cup is about half full. You may finish urinating into the toilet bowl.
Urine Collection Technique for Women: 1 Wash method of obtaining a urine specimen that is free of most germs that normally are found on the skin of your urinary area. Why is this type of collection ordered? The clean catch method is used to avoid contaminating the urine sample with bacteria that are normally present.
Patient Instructions: How to Collect a Clean-Catch Urine. *Wash hands in warm soapy water before you begin. Female. Male. 1. Open specimen container; do not touch the inside of the cup or the cover. 2. Open towelette. Separate the folds of the urinary opening with fingers and clean inside using one towelette,.
Instructions for Collecting a Clean Catch Urine Sample. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FEMALES. 1. Wash hands with soap and warm water. 2. Spread the labia (folds of skin) apart with one hand and wipe with the towelette provided. Wipe from front to back. 3. Continue holding the labia apart. As you start to urinate, allow a small
This four-page illustrated handout instructs women about how to collect a clean catch urine sample. It explains that a urine test checks for bladder or urinary tract infections. The document provides step by step instructions for collecting urine so that germs from the vagina do not get into the urine sample. It uses simple text
test your urine for bacteria, which may be causing an infection in your urinary tract. A clean-catch specimen is a way of collecting urine that does not contain a lot of bacteria from the skin. Please follow these instructions to collect a clean-catch midstream urine specimen: Female. Male. 1. Ensure urine container is labeled