Wednesday 4 September 2013 photo 1/2
Jag följer en massa fågelsidor på tumblr och en la upp historian om Muriel, det är nog det sorgligaste jag någonsin läst men det är så fint att det verkligen finns folk som bryr sig. Här är iaf Muriels saga:
by Muriel the Cockatiel,
"Today is my 30th day of survival. I don’t even know how I managed to live in this world the few weeks that I did without proper care. Each day is a struggle. Something went wrong with my little body when I hatched. There was no room inside me to eat and I couldn’t even release my droppings. My foster mom held me every night and massaged my legs to make me more comfortable. I just closed my eyes and cried. I not only have a deformed spine but my right knee is dislocated and the leg is bent backwards. Mom had to use towel wrapping to stop my leg from swinging toward my face and keep my body upright so that I don’t roll over. Just before the New Year my whole body was shaking, I panicked and nearly passed out. My foster mom thought I was dying but I made it through the night using my sweet little voice and eyes to tell her that I really wanted to live as I am a survivor.
She called Mickaboo( a rescue ) that night and took me to an emergency avian vet. Since then, under my doctor’s care, I am feeling much better with each new day. My G-I tract is moving and I am even gaining some weight! Every day I show my vet how I want to stand on my feet and that I want to walk. The doctor feels he can fix my leg as he has helped other birds like me."
with great sadness we had to let Muriel fly over the Rainbow Bridge last night. She was a brave little baby cockatiel who tried so hard to live and get better but sometimes it is just not meant to be. Muriel will go on in our hearts.
Här är länken till sidan när jag hittade Muriel: