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Damon had eased some of the burden of his parents shoulders by taking over some of their paperwork, after asking for permission to, of course. He didn't like to just sit around doing nothing all the t
Titania smiles softly as she walks through the castle corridors "I got Iki back from the Dark Lord~ all my babies safe at home…Damon..Iki..Axis..the only one I miss is my baby girl " she smiles sad
Radek hurries too Ikis room.
Yuri has mange with his magic to grown a whole forest in the room he was staying in "…..seems like I won't to be able get out from this mountain castle.."
Sechikuro and Maru are fighting right inside of the city walls, Maru's glasses have been punched of making it impossible for new eyes to tell them apart but one of them was clearly losing and now gett
Hrm...snow has fallen...*Akita smiles as he walks in the outskirts of the town - close to the woods. he is on guards duty but takes the time to run his hand over the snowcovered branches* I believe th
"Let spring turn to summer, and summer to fall... But now it's time for winter, so let it snow my old friend, keep the pure wite on the ground to light up the darkness..." Karasu looks up at the sky a
My dark Lord? I have a gift for you~ *drops the heavy Radek on the floor* I didn't know what to do with him.. so I took him here.. *kicks his brutally severed leg* we had an "accident" but else he's..
"well this is just FUCKING perfect!!" The whole castle was shaking and the throne room was thrashed to pieces, in the middle of it was Titania standing, the air around her was boiling of anger "I get
/yeah it doesnt really fit a Princess, but.. ANYWAY! just... see a Beautiful white carriage with white horses befor you intead or smething! A carriage drove through Bastille, towards the castle,the
Minami was almost completly unable to move, she was 'tied' with the strings like that. When she only moved her arm alittle the string around her neck tightened, the strings were soon to cut into her