Thursday 2 January 2014 photo 1/2
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Victor was out with his guild members, doing the usual duties that were assigned to them. If they stumbled upon a problem among the people, they'd do anything to help there, too. It was just a usual work day, but since the bears had gone out to get the king back, it was a bit more for the other guilds to do, though.
Victor looked at the checklist he held in his hands, searching for what to do next. He hadn't checked the time for a while, and gazed up at the clock tower. "...It's already past twelve?..." he mumbled to himself as he gazed over at his guild members. He'd figured that most of them would appreciate a lunch break before continuing their work.
Victor nodded faint and gained the guilds attention by raising his voice. "Wolves, go get some lunch, then assemble here again after an hour. We'll continue work by then." he said with a serious tone. The members scattered within moments, all going for lunch.
Victor stood in the same place, looking back at the town, sighing slightly. "...Maybe I could go get some lunch, too.......Despite my lack of an appetite."
Victor stood in the same place, looking back at the town, sighing slightly. "...Maybe I could go get some lunch, too.......Despite my lack of an appetite."
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キティD.ハッター .
Thu 2 Jan 2014 18:05
Luna walked too Victor "Wanna eat with me, ive cooked~" she said and smiled alittle.
Cassandra had quietly followed Victor, she looked at him from a distance and smiled alittle.
Cassandra had quietly followed Victor, she looked at him from a distance and smiled alittle.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 2 Jan 2014 18:34
Luna smiled " Of course, Victor" she said and wagged her tail.
Cassandra sneaked to behind Victor "Hi" she said softly
Luna saw Cassandra and stopped wagging her tail.
Cassandra sneaked to behind Victor "Hi" she said softly
Luna saw Cassandra and stopped wagging her tail.

Victor's eyes widened by hearing the familiar voice, and turned his head slowly, to notice Cassandra who stood behind him. He turned around completely and stared at her for a while, then snapped out of it. "Um..eh...Hi." He said, sounding shook, he was so surprised to see her again.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 2 Jan 2014 23:12
Cassandra smiled softly " i.. know i have no right just showing up, but i just wanted to say hi.." she said softly
luna walked away
luna walked away

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 3 Jan 2014 01:31
" I wasnt... but.. Ive missed Axis so much... and ...you..." she said and looked down " Im stronger now.. so..i wanted to return to my home.." she said " to...the people i love and care about.."

Victor nodded faint. "Well, I'm...happy to see you again. I really am." he said with a warm smile as he was about to take her hands, but hesitated.

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 3 Jan 2014 13:37
Cassandra smiled softly and hugged him gently, she didnt know if she should touch him but she couldnt help herself. "Im sorry, for how i acted befor i went away... and im sorry for not telling you that i was going away but i couldnt, not then.. Im sorry.." she said and looked up at him.

Victor took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "I was acting oddly too...I was anything but kind to you..." he sighed and opened his eyes, meeting her gaze. "I couldn't help but to blame myself when you left...I felt as if it was all my fault. Because of what I said that day." He said, looking a bit sad.

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 3 Jan 2014 13:58
Cassandra caressed his cheek softly " You shouldnt have, Victor.. it wasnt your fault.. I got sad cause of what you said.. but it wasnt your fault, i felt that i had to leave, it was my fault that you and axis got hurt... cause i love you both dearly.. I couldnt stand it, i had to go, i had to get stronger." she said " So i could protect you... "

Victor put his hand at hers which was caressing his cheek, and looked into her eyes. "You needn't protect me..."

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 3 Jan 2014 16:02
"I might not need to...but i want to...No lattwr what happens, I love you and i blame myself for you getting hurt... It was all my fault, both you and axis getting hurt because of me.. I cant let that happen again, i need to be able to protect you both" she said and looked at him. She wasnt like befor, you could sense that she was stonger and more 'grown up' .

Victor was silent for a while, then sighed and nodded. "I understand." he was silent for a moment. ".....Welcome back." he said and smiled faint.

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 3 Jan 2014 17:34
She smiled alittle " I shouldnt bother you more... Im sorry.." she said

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 3 Jan 2014 18:33
"Well.. you have a break.. and im stopping you from having lunch..."

"Yeah...well..." he looked around after Luna, but she was nowhere to be found. "My food source left." he said with a chuckle.

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 4 Jan 2014 13:37
"Im sorry.. come to the castle and eat Lunch with me?" she said and smiled softly

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 4 Jan 2014 19:42
"Lets hurry then!" she said and hugged Victor, teleporting him and herself to the castle kitchen and asked for two plates of lunch, then she smiled towards Victor. It was like nothing ever happened.

Victor stood in the same place, astonished by the fact that she had learnt how to teleport so quickly. He brushed it off though, smiling back at her. "Your magic's gotten better?"

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 7 Jan 2014 00:06
"Yeah! I used up all my magic befor when using my light to teleport.. but Magistra, she Lady i was with tought me how to use less magic and teleport further~" then said "She told me that with more.power i wont just become stronger, i will become wiser too"

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 7 Jan 2014 01:41
"She was, but she was so old... and boring, i wasnt allowed to even go outside the room..."

"Perhaps she was just keeping you there for your safety..." he said, carefully. Then after just a moment, he chuckled. "Or, she did it because of the simple reason that she was a bitter old lady?"

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 10 Jan 2014 22:21
Cassandra ate " Oh im gonna eat myselt fat on this food, i had forgotten how good it tasted!~" she said and giggled. Sha had actually gotten quite thinner.

Victor looked up at her, still with the fork in his mouth, mumbling slightly. "Wasn't there any good food where you were staying?"

Victor raised an eyebrow. "Really? Were people not capable to cook...?" he said while looking up at her, a bit confused.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 14 Jan 2014 17:13
"The food was supposed to.be as tasteless as possible.. atleast for me, i needed to focus om other things then food, having fun and so on.. " she said.and smiled alittle

Victor leaned his head to the side slightly. "That's...harsh. You must've been going through quite the training if those were the rules..."

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 14 Jan 2014 21:25
"Well.. i thinnk you see it on my body." she said and smiled softly " ive trained hard... hardly been eating.."

Victor frowned slightly. "Geez, you should've taken better care of yourself..." he might be frowning, but the sound of concern could be heard in his voice.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 14 Jan 2014 21:54
She smiled "I ttried to eat but i couldnt, i just felt sick by the food.. i couldnt really keep it down either.. " she said and smiled alittle less "but now im home... im gonna eat up the kilos i lost~"

Victor finished as well, even if he hadn't had very much of an appetite, he had eaten everything on his plate.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 14 Jan 2014 23:54
Cassandra put the disches into the sink ad smiled alittle "i hope you enjoyed it.,"

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 15 Jan 2014 11:50
'I can follow you" she said and smiled " I.want to go on a walk anyway do~"

Victor shook his head and smiled faint. "Not at all, I just have a lot on my mind. I'm sorry if I worried you."

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 15 Jan 2014 23:13
"Oh...well...you can Always talk to me, you know that right?" She asked softly

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 15 Jan 2014 23:21
Cassandra hugged him Close and lovingly. "I love you, Victor. i will Always do that"

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:46
Cassandra looked at him with a wonderfull expression but then looked away and lowered her hand, she bit her lip

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 16 Jan 2014 16:41
"Yeah.." she said and moved away, she started to walk. she walked out from the kitchen.

Victor felt how awkward this was, but what was he supposed to do? He barely knew how to act anymore...

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 21 Jan 2014 20:06
Cassandra conrinued to walk and looked down, she didnt know what to say or do

After a few minutes of complete silence, Victor finally spoke. "...I'm sorry, that I can't love you properly....That I am not the man I want you to be with, that I-...I'm constantly refusing your affections even if those are what I want the most." He finished. His voice was shaky and he seemed slightly insecure..

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 23 Jan 2014 23:07
Cassandra froze and looked at him "....." she didnt know what to say, but then she looked down " I..dont think you want my affection if you knew what ive become... so..its...just...good..that its like this...i.. dont want to drag you into the darkness.."

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 25 Jan 2014 13:21
"..." Cassandra took Victor to a private part of the royal garden. "Since i was in the dark lords castle... im not human anymore..." she said and bit her lip. " I have a darkside.... thats..why i need my pure magic to be stronger...to keep her away.."

Victor looked shocked, as well as worried. "Oh, dear, I..." he looked around slightly, not sure on what to say. "That's...utterly terrible. How did it happen?"

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 26 Jan 2014 20:18
'He spread the darkness to me... i only had to be in the castle to be affected...but it got worse when i got beaten...when i knew axis was there and so on.. the darkness grew...''

Victor raised one of his hands to his face, almost biting one of his fingers. "Oh dear...Oh, If I only-..." he started mumbling.

Victor looked at her with concern, then nodded. "If you wish to keep it a secret, I won't speak of it to anyone. I swear."

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 27 Jan 2014 22:50
'Thank you, Victor... i know i can always trust you..' Cassandra said and huggdd himn

"You know I'll never stop supporting you. If you need me...I'll be there for you." he said as he stroke her back carefully. He still loved her so, so much, but he kept restraining those feelings..

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 29 Jan 2014 18:10
Cassandra cuddled against him and smiled alttle. "Thank you...im really hapy for that, Victr... and the same goes for you" she said softly

Victor closed his eyes and kept holding her. "Mm...Me too...." Truth was, those words hurt him to no end. He wouldn't ever show it, though...He'd hide those feelings well.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 29 Jan 2014 19:23
She hugged him Close andsmiled softly, she cuddled alittle and relaxed more as she Heard his heart beats

"I need to get back to work...so..." Victor said with a faint smile. He really wanted to kiss her.......

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 30 Jan 2014 10:24
She looked at him and tried to smiled , it was a really soft but weak smile. ''i should go...'

Victor clenched his fists slightly and looked back at her. "....I'm very glad that you're back. Really..."

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 30 Jan 2014 23:23
She smiled soflty, even softer then befor 'Im happy to be back.. this..is my home, my family, my friends..' she said softly

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 31 Jan 2014 06:58
She walked to victor and kissed him softly then started tl walk away

Victor stood in the same place looking down at the ground, being pretty much emotionless.
As soon as the wolves started gathering again, Victor straightened himself and got into the strong leader role again. He wouldn't make his members worry about him...not like this. Soon enough, he was back to work again, and acted like nothing had ever happened...
As soon as the wolves started gathering again, Victor straightened himself and got into the strong leader role again. He wouldn't make his members worry about him...not like this. Soon enough, he was back to work again, and acted like nothing had ever happened...
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